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Posts posted by outkast

  1. hi,

    Wonder if I could apply the same principle to my PAP throttle control?

    Although the pap throttle control is a bit basic compared to what I see in your pictures but the principle is the same?


    my PAP throttle has one in the form of a wing nut on the pivot point, does yours not have the same?

  2. sounds like a great adventure, I am afraid i dont know enough about the channel or boats and stuff to be able to give any real worthwhile help, but I wish you luck and maybe you can put up the details once they are finnalised and few of us can organise a welcoming party on the kent coast to cheer you home.

    Good luck, Dave.

  3. Found a reference to one of these items on a bikers forum and thought I'd share the tip. Several items coming up soon at Lidl which could be potentially useful to us -

    * Multi-stage charger similar to £60 Optimate for keeping the battery topped up between flights £12.99 -


    * Quilted overalls could double as ultra cheap flying suit £14.99 -


    * Torque wrench for checking prop/head etc bolts £12.99 -

    http://www.lidl.co.uk/uk/home.nsf/pages ... Wrench.ar1

    These offers start on 6th November at my local shop, but might be different near you.

    Hope this is of use?

    Best regards,


    always worth keeping your eyes peeled for Lidls bargains, picked up some great gear in there over the years.

  4. Have you tried kick starting it, or don't you have tha facility on yours. I've given up pulling mine now(fnarr fnarr) as the last time it nearly pulled my arm off but with the kick start its dead simple, just means sticking the whole thing on your back first but it still wears you out a lot less if you have to give it a few goes!

    Good idea Malcs, I will try that too.

  5. from what I've read I would say it has to be the decompression hole blocked. I'm sure you have but just to check you did clean both ends of the hole one with a 3mm drill bit and the other a 4mm bit cant remember of hand which is which but should be easy to tell.

    Best of luck.

    chers Col...

    Hi Col, yes I cleaned the hole all the way through, thats what i cant understand.

  6. Hi Outkast, have you flown with your motor yet? My 1100 AS is the exact same model as yours and I have no problems with it. Doesnt seem unbalanced or top heavy on the ground and does its job fine in the air so I would be in no hurry to change it.

    Have you managed to turn it over yet? Try and get hold of a Solo 210 manual if you can or speak to 'skyhawk' like I mentioned, he knows his stuff with regards to this motor.

    Thanks Fuel, I can turn the motor over just not fast/hard enough to fire it up, my mate who is a 18 stone man mountain had a go and even he said, "feck me I nearly broke my wrist" :lol:

  7. Outkast-

    Have you primed the engine sufficiently?

    Is the plug dry? If it's wet, take it out and dry it, carefully use a lighter to make sure its really dry- (away from engine, outside- reduce risk of explosion)

    While the plug is out give the unit a couple of pullls, to make sure the carb is working

    Check the plug spark by earthing the ground to the frame, and pulling the cord.

    If all is working put the plug back in, prime it again, and try pulling.

    If it dosent work, then carefully hold the throttle at full and pull the starter... get ready to reduce the throttle immediately.

    I've seen this happen before- usually the engine will begin to turn slowly, then rapidly increase..... giving you some tiem to reduce the throttle. Better if you've got a helper to assist you though.


    Thanks for the info chaps, I am going to have another crack at sussing it out as soon as I get time.

  8. I would reccomend that you move up over to the stubble flatter section chap.

    O and wait until you see my new training field :D :D :D !!!

    It used to be a cricket pitch and is sat in the center of a flat grass 50 acre field. ( and I am not joking ) so now we have two of the best sites in the UK :D

    Move in tomorrow.

    SW :D

    just in time for 3 new students to be taking to the air :D

  9. Have you had the engine running?

    Did you hear it running before you bought it?

    If yes to the above what have you done to it since?

    Pete b

    Yes pete, when I met the guy to buy it, it was running fine, he fired it straight up from cold with very little effort, I have just found some info on the net that says if its not the decompresser hole its probably the belt slipping and not letting the prop play its part, I will check this tommorow as its 2 inches deep in snow outside now :shock: , thanks for the info. :wink:

  10. Yes a lot as most motors use the prop as a flywheel to keep the momentum going.

    Abit like trying to start a motor with a flat battery, it will go over but very slowly.

    Pete b

    The prop is on when I tried it.

  11. Hi chaps, I have a pap with a solo 210 engine, when I try and pull start it it is almost imposible to pull the cord and hurts your hands doing so, I thought the decompresser hole may be blocked so I ordered a new head gasket and took the head off this evening only to find the hole completely clear and the inside of the engine quite free of any coke biuld up, I put it all back together and tried again, no change still really hard to pull over, I took the plug out and it pulls over easy so nothing is siezeing up, as soon as I put the plug back in is hard again, its so hard infact that it makes it difficult to pull it over fast enough to start it, has anyone else had this problem or can make any suggestions as to what could be the cause?

    Thanks guys, Dave.

  12. Great advice,

    Ref Simon Cowell mood, I won't tell you that we have all just had a great flight for a good 45 mins, everyone who wanted to fly, did, no drama, all good..

    O, um I seem to have told you. ;-)

    SW :D

    that makes me feel so much better :(:(

  13. Different people have different views on things, wouldn't it be a dull world if they all coincided.

    I think I would have to agree with Norman, people come at something like this fom different angles, at the end of the day, no one was hurt and it did not lead to any serious effects on the sport, I think if anything it serves to remind us and others that proper training and a sound knowledge of all aspects of flying is paramount before taking to the skys.

  14. Careful now! Petrol vapour in an enclosed space is entirely different matter.. easier to ignite, but in theory still needs a spark or naked flame. Don't experiment- take our word for it.

    point taken, it was just an idea I was toying with, thanks for the info Gordon.

  15. I'm sure moving the tank is possible, but for what gain? Are you going to be changing the cage to a 2 part?

    If effort => gain, then i'd leave it alone. You will also need to think about how you are going to change/check spark plugs on the inverted engine.

    If it ain't broke......

    a couple of reasons the first the wieght being lower down may be a bit more manageble but the main one being in the event of a fire I dont want the tank to melt and send flaming fuel down the back of my kneck. :D

  16. Hi all,

    I have a brand new unopened Tiny Tach Commercial - you can set the unit to work on all different firing rotations so will fit practically all paramotors although im not sure about the 4stroke ( check on the tiny tach site ) i bought this along with mine for my friend, who is selling up for personal reasons and cant afford to pay for it.

    i got a special price as we bought 5 and paid 40 quid inc postage.

    il pass it on for 30 quid inc postage to any interested fellow forum members - like i say zero hours never fitted.


    I will take it, can you PM me your details.

    Cheers, Dave.

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