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Posts posted by coggie49

  1. Great, at last a topic I can contribute to instead of hovering stage right....as wannebe flyer number 134

    I am an ex Royal Marines musician and have seen both sides of this argument from the inside & out. I will quickly add that for reasons that astounded us at the time, the RM band I served with went to the Falklands war and did everything from unloading stores to shooting at Argy planes to guarding prisoners . Anyways, before I start all the lamps swinging, I joined a long tradition of behind the lines bods and never really expected to be pointing a gun at anyone when i joined the band, but that war experience, having the crap scared out of me in northern ireland and a terrorist bombing that killed 11 of my band mates put me firmly in the way of danger. And in fact with the depleting size of our armed forces there are very few jobs that are completely safe, since anything that can be is civiilianised and out sourced. So, It might come as a surprise then that I don't agree with a general service medal, they should be for taking part in 'a something' and not just for 'taking part' in general. I have two medals, one for the Falklands war and one for long service and good conduct [yeah right] I am proud of of the former and pleased that I didn't get caught to have the got the other!

    Far more beneifical would be a petition to enhance the pay for people currently serving in danger areas and the government keeping its end of the bargain when they are wounded. Service pensions should also be increased to reflect the conditions they have to live under in danger zones. Ahem, my opinion and speech is here ended.

    The post quoted above is the only one that makes any sence out of this thread.

    I never did my time in the RAF, I signed up to be an airframe fitter but three days fefore I was due to go in a drunk driver almost killed me, spent 15 months on the sick, after that the RAF didn't want me, they said "I had to many bones"


  2. Is there any chance this vest could inflated by getting wet, say in a heavy rain etc.

    Not trying to be stupid, but if it is water activated and water gets in, who knows

    And with that thing around your neck blown up could you still fly.


  3. Sod this, I was seriously considering getting into this sport. It seems

    That it's just as dangerous as having a motorbike, I cannot risk having a broken ankle, back, leg or even worse.

    Seems it's pure pot luck if your wing collapses or you get problems due to rotor or other landing issues.

    Think I will stick with my fixed wing flying, yes accidents do happen even with fixed wing aircraft, however with over 12 club aircraft where I fly there has not been an injury in over 8 years, and I am talking 500 landings and take offs a day.

    If I get injured which seems likely I will be not be happy having no income as I am self employed, no work no pay.

    It's a pity I really liked the idea, but after seeing so much on you tube I have been put off

    I think you have talked yourself out PPG without any help from members of this forum, It would appear to me that your mind was made up before you posted. That's a shame really because you should have a go before you condemn the sport, flying in any form can be dangerous you must have known that before you took up microlighting, but you still went a did it.

    Just my two pence worth!!

    Dave (Also a Microlighter, fixed wing and flex, PPL for 36 years)

  4. Speaking from personal experience with bike trailers, you do need to get them just right with balance and ride height, or you can be in for one really big white knuckle ride, not nice at all.

    My advice would be buy don't build your first trailer, the cost of the trailer is cheaper than bike repairs, and if your unlucky bones!!!!!


  5. Hi Ian

    A nice clean looking and easy to navigate site, no whistles and bells or gimmicks, I like it.

    Do you intend to add a list of products that people can use as examples or would you prefer all customers to call for advice? some people like to browse before they buy, that is one good thing about the internet.


  6. Now put the cream on the cake and tell us "IT STILL WORKS" :shock:

    That would be truly amazing.

    About 20 years ago my mate dropped his Icom radio whilst changing a battery, it dropped from about 1500 feet and it landed in the mud of the Solent, he followed it down and waded out into the mud to retrieve it, after a quick clean and putting the charged battery on it worked fine.

    When we got home a couple a of days later he wrote to Icom to tell them but never even had a reply to his letter, ha ho. you would think they would have been interested.


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