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Posts posted by garyfreefly

  1. Thank the lord............a much waited for break in the weather saw me ditch work and head for the beach at dinner......to meet up with shaggydec for some low level beach flying.....he was more on the ball than me and had been there since 8 am ????

    Live the life .......dont dream the dream......looking good for the weekend as well........ :dive:

    I felt that I had been at the gym all day with all the effort needed to pull the brakes on the fusion

  2. Good job I speak fluent welsh.... :shock: it helped me with the Italian :D then because I have managed to get it sorted out :idea:

    I can now transmit on all the frequencys I need to

    Job done .....I was very nervous about fiddling with something I didnt fully understand

    (I am the same with my girlfriend) :wink:

    I now need a large whisky to calm myself down......

  3. eternal thanks for that.....although I will have to read the procedure a few times so in sinks into my brain cells.....so I dont f**k it up.....

    I would rather somebody who knew what they were doing Do it....but if not I will have a go once I have built up enough courage :(

    ps I will probably be asking does anybody know where I can get a Yaesu radio repaired in my next post :roll:

  4. Yaesu vx-3e

    I rang northern paragliders and said I wanted to buy a yaesu vx -3e so I could use it to talk to all the microlighters who fly around my location....(I am one somtimes myself) so a radio that would enable me to speak to both paragliders and microlighters would be very handy.....

    when it came however I find it is not possible to transmit on air band with this radio.....after ringing northern paragliding they said it wouldnt without me doing a illegal modification :evil: they couldnt tell me how to modifiy it because they didnt know how to :evil: what a brilliant con.......can anybody tell me how or who can modify this radio otherwise it goes back to them quicktime the term been had comes to mind :oops:

  5. Good of you to share your experience with us all it might help prevent another ....

    self discipline is a Must in all aviation....never be tempted.....(easier said than done I know)

    never fly in conditions you are not happy with wind or rain is a difficult one to predict but the signs are always there Ive been tempted many a time and when other people are flying its hard to walk away...(peer pressure and all that) I reckon its all about learning self preservation...

    Hey ho :coptor:

  6. Ditto ....simon has a good point... :)

    take off in the slow postion....unless its blowin 10+ mph then let the trimmers off ie the fast position....if you let them off when you are flying there is quite a bit of weight on them.......they slide through the cam ...quick....but nothing bad will happen ....but you have to pull quite hard to get them back to land (with your finger) .....this is unlike my reflex wing .....in which there is very little presure/weight... on the trimmer......if you fit a speed bar you need very strong leg muscles

    I carnt hold it for long but then my legs are crap....

    the wing is solid in the air its my cup of tea....I flew it in quite turbulent and windy conditions back to back with a ozone roadster which was front tucking..and did not inspire any confidence....and it was still rock solid no sign of any misbehaviour

    it is a hands on wing though ...and you might be suprised just how quick it turns.. :D

    No big pulls on the brakes..to start with :P ( I would just like it to go quicker )

    has yours got a split a ...riser.......as some of the early ones didnt...

    pps I want to get my hands on a new venom...... :mrgreen:

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