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Posts posted by PatPux

  1. That's just missing the retaining spring that holds it all together by the looks of it. Fairly sure I have a bendix in the workshop you can have. And The small spring at the end also has a habit of lunching itself.

    Sent from my iPhone using PMC Forum mobile app

    I never saw all the bits, the guy at Burghfield stripped it down, so I don't know what if should look like.

    Is it just a spring around those two arms missing? Don't the arms pivot on small pins or something?

    I'll bring it up the field over the weekend if you're going to be about.

  2. Starter Motor Update

    Two "Big it ups" :lol::lol:

    Credit where credit's due.

    1. http://www.burghfieldstarterandalternatorcentre.co.uk. Fixed existing motor, it was a failure in the pinion, but because it may not be a permanent fix hasnt charged for it! All in the space of 4 hours

    Will have a proper look at the pinion and see if I can make it a permanent fix.

    2. John Welch at Parajet who is shipping me a new one that will be with me tomorrow, even going the extra mile , literally, by taking it to the post office rather than getting UPS pick up, all because UPS deliveries to mine are shite, but the friendly neighbourhood postman will "sign for and hide" our packages .

    And £118 inc VAT is a very reasonable price.

    Luckily they had plenty in stock, otherwise it would have been 4 weeks minimum as Italy goes on holiday in August :roll:

    Now........whats the weekend looking like?

  3. Frustrating Days and failing starters

    Frustrating days since coming back from some great flying in Cornwall on holiday.

    Although I got over to the fly in at Tetsworth, I could only make it for Saturday afternoon, and although there was some flying while I was there it was a bit lumpy I think. Anyway, I didnt take my kit because the forecast had said thunderstorms! on this occassion -it was wrong!

    As it happens I wouldnt have flown in any case, because when I got my kit out to fly on a nice Sunday evening at home , the motor was difficult to start and when it did run it need some low speed adjustment. This coupled with (as became apparent later) a failing starter motor meant I never flew.

    Another attempt on Tuesday evening, having fully charged the battery (actually it wasnt that) saw the starter fail completely :(

    It's with http://www.burghfieldstarterandalternatorcentre.co.uk today. They are a proper old fashioned repair shop, they will fix it if its fixable not just part ex you a recon, even if they had one. They have been very good in the past and even if they cant fix this one I would recommend them to anyone close enough to use them, for starter and alternator rebuilds.

    So lets see if they work their magic and get me flying by the weekend. But as a back up anyone got a parajet Macro V2 starter -Fiem 3MG14556?


  4. Flight 22 17/7/14

    Up again on a breezy morning. This time with an easterly coming off the land. It was supposed to be too windy from the start, but on throwing back the curtains and looking across at the many wind turbines inland I could see it looked OK.

    The car was still packed from yesterday evenings aborted trip, because the wind never died down.

    The big field was now full muck spread but there was another nearly as good down by the road so after checking in with the farmer I set up there. It was quite breezy but watching the sock was very steady in both strength and direction

    I tried a couple of trial reverses with the wing coming up cleanly if a bit vigourously and staying nicely overhead.

    Got kitted up and clipped in only find the starter Bendix sticking, so unkitted poked and fettled and got it sorted.

    Launch was clean and easy, but it was pretty rock and roll as I climbed out, having to make some corrections to save been turned immediately downwind.

    The wind direction meant I could take a run down to the Little Petherick creek, but it was quite windy and bumpy and I didn't stay up long before I thought I should get back down.

    ImageUploadedByPMC Forum1405611035.261462.jpg

    With the increased wind I decided to leave +2 of fast on to help me penetrate, a quick overfly the sock, the wind had gone round a little, so just nice to come in over the bottom corner and slightly uphill. I did a couple of Esses over the boundary before turning in, and coming in for my best landing yet, even being able to turn, hover the wing before landing it behind me. Very pleased! OK the conditions were perfect for a decent landing, so if I hadn't done it then I was never going to!

    And yesterday's video finally loaded

  5. Flight 21 15/7/14

    I got my second flight yesterday, the first time I've actually flown twice in a day.

    I waited till about 6:30 for the wind to drop back, got ready for a reverse launch only to tangle the GoPro and had to abort, during which I nicked a line, so had to replace the line before going again.




  6. Nice one dude! :-)

    Don't shorten the brakes any more mate. Just try loosing less speed and saving more flare for the end :-)

    SW :D

    Righto. Should be going out again this evening so will try to hang on a bit longer and braking more decisively right at the end. Might be my last chance from the field as they're muck spreading tomorrow![FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE AND TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES]

  7. Flight 20 15/7/14
    A great flight over Trevose Head in Cornwall. I've had to wait 4 days for the wind to calm , but today was perfect, 7or 8 mph for take off, and away from a great field up on the old airfield, in 2 or 3 paces.
    A bit bumpy in places, but OK.
    The turning problem seems to have resolved itself- I think it may have simply been me not tightening the seat front stays evenly.
    Having shortened the brakes 4" inches and with the breeze I expected a decent landing, but alas, I still ended up on my arse, but pretty slowly. I watched the brake lines in flight a lot and there was still plenty of "bow" in them. I would say there was at least another 4" of free play before any movement occurs in the TE. I did have more brake authority this time but still not enough at full stretch to get me that final stall on landing.
    Out again tonight when the heat dies down and before they muck spread on the field tomorrow.




  8. Pat

    When I changed cars I brought the Thule rack version, because it came with all the light fittings and it had a two vertical bars which you lean & strap your motor against. A bit heavy, but solid.

    I guess the dog won and she get's inside the car...



    Apart from being a tight git, I quite enjoy making stuff. The post thing is pretty much what I've done. £20 of off cuts and £39 for the Uni-Rak and a Sunday of tinkering. Got a couple of Thule 757 feet off eBay which will take some ally tube stays in place of the straps. Tying off the top of the post makes the whole thing really solid.

    I did look at Thule.......and it's, dogs, there's two of the muts!


  9. Pat

    When I changed cars I brought the Thule rack version, because it came with all the light fittings and it had a two vertical bars which you lean & strap your motor against. A bit heavy, but solid.

    I guess the dog won and she get's inside the car...



    Apart from being a tight git, I quite enjoy making stuff. The post thing is pretty much what I've done. £20 of off cuts and £39 for the Uni-Rak and a Sunday of tinkering. Got a couple of Thule 757 feet off eBay which will take some ally tube stays in place of the straps. Tying off the top of the post makes the whole thing really solid.

    I did look at Thule.......and it's, dogs, there's two of the muts!


  10. Pete, I think you're right! Just looked at my stats and they are split almost exactly 50/50 reverse/forward. But I definitely feel happier reversing.

    With reverse you are looking at the wing, you see it come up, you can bin it easily if not straight, it only comes up in a breeze so when it's up it will, usually, stay up and you know before you turn it's there and application of power will have you gone.

    With forward, the whole process is much more instinctive and tactile, relying on feel as to wether the wing is in the right place to go for it.

    So although my stats are even I feel more confident in reverse. I think you have mastered the more difficult of the two.

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