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Posts posted by enzo200500

  1. Looking good. Looked like some of my landings yesterday!!

    Just a small point from another learner.

    I know the motor was under full power, but around the 52-57 sec mark in the vid, the prop line of the engine looks to be almost vertical.

    Is it not supposed to be a few more degrees back to help with lift?

    Hopefully someone with a more experienced 'eye' can verify/disprove this?

    My Parajet still leans back a few degrees even under full power when climbing.

  2. Aww. I can't make this one, as depending on which date you have it, I will be either:

    A) On my stag do.

    B) Getting Married.

    C) On honeymoon.


    Sod all that poncing off abroad malarky, have a pagan wedding in the field at the fly-in!!

    The money you'll save can go towards a carbon crutch.

  3. No probs Mark.

    I'll fill you in on the facebook fiasco/war zone I created just from posting a single picture!

    Can you bring back the styrene box if possible as it seems to be the Hambrook flyers 'group' pie coolbox!!

    See you soon matey... :explode:

  4. I'm pleased to say that After talks with Parajet, the new retro fit quick release prop will soon be manufactured and sold by Parajet

    As far as I'm aware with a couple of tweaks by Parajet, there will be versions available to fit most engines!

    Il repost once I know it's available to buy

    You will love it!

    Thats the price doubled then!! :shock:

    Prop covers would be a good idea.

  5. Darrrel, there was a posting somehere with exactly this issue!

    Somebody posted a link to a company who could check your old mountings and supply same spec.

    You may have to dig about the forum.

    Might have been on the yahoo group?

    Sorry for not being more precise.

  6. The kinetic energy that built up into the custom made towing system was a direct result of the mass it was trying to lift from the ground.

    When the rope tension was released from the towing operative (me), the tension applied to the rope during the process of hauling a lardy bugger (you), had to go somewhere!

    Put simply - we pulled you up, rope released, happy finish.....

    I still can't believe you ate one pie on the field and then 3 more when you got home!!!


  7. Oi, thats Mister Pieman to you!!

    Boy, have we got a good selection for the lads today.

    Chicken Balty, Steak and Harveys Ale, Chicken Leek and Gammon.

    Youre going to miss out on the 'specials' we are making today for Kensington Palace - top secret.... :wink:

    They will not tell us who the 'client' is??

  8. There was something a while back in one of the paramotor mags, I think it was Geff goin who proposed the fitting of a switch wich had two settings, one for warm up and the other for run, when the switch was set to warm up it would only tick over, once the motor was warm you stopped it, put the switch to run, put it on your back and then restarted it, of course the motor could still go to full throttle on your back but that situation may be more manageble than having flailling around on the ground.

    I think this is the one?

    http://footflyer.com/Articles/ABetterPa ... eStart.pdf

  9. Free pies - where?

    Seriously, well done enzo, great pity I can't get them in France :cry:



    Oop, we were in Reims over the weekend Alan!

    Mark, will deffo sort some for the next fly-in. New 'customers' only, not the usual freeloaders!! :explode:

    If anyone is ever passing east worthing, just let me know, and will sort some out FOC.

  10. Bit embarressing really!

    We recently entered the British Pie Awards at Melton Mowbray.

    Dropped off 9 pies to be judged against the best in the whole of the UK in various categories.

    Didn't hear anything, so presumed we were not placed anywhere.

    There were over 900 entrants this year.


    And the results just released today.......

    Steak Ale and Mushroom........Gold

    Chicken Balti......Gold

    Chicken Gammon and Leek.....Gold and Bronze (two categories entered)

    Butternut and spicy veg......Gold and Bronze (two categories entered)

    Just to give some perspective on this whole event.

    Some of the entrants only Small Batch Producers. Possibly 200 pies a week, such as Piebury Corner.

    We produce 8,500 - 10,000 a week, every week!!

    This, our very first season, we have produced in excess of 250,000 pies.

    So all you lot who have been chowing down on free pies, hope they were good?

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