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Everything posted by norman

  1. Paramotor in Oxford = first page Google hits....
  2. 'Aviator' or Avatar? Surely not having problems working out what an Aviator is Simon? UR1!
  3. Hi Pete, Not quite sure what you want to do. Do you mean pix into your signature or as an avatar? If you want to create an 'avatar', go to 'top right box' and press 'Profile'. Then find the graphic on the internet that you want to use. Then 'right click' on that graphic and 'copy image address' or such like for PC men. Then paste that into the box below. try to make sure that the graphic size isnt huge, say around 120 X 120 pixels max - (..ish, though longer and narrow works fine)
  4. Martin, Upload rules only apply to forum hosted graphics. Anything external just arrives and is displayed. 'Sniff... I will ignore the ignoble remarks from the 'Beast of Dartmoor'.
  5. norman

    Tip 2 Tip Banner

    Here is another one, perhaps for 'signatures' like the one below. {img]http://myskitch.com/norman.rhodes/tip2tip2008-20071201-153434.jpg[/img}
  6. Just an early map to get an idea of the structure of the early part of the route. Not definitive.
  7. Well, it looks as though people are starting to join us. We have four now in the Somerset fold, all forum based at the moment but a matrix of operations looks as though it might be developing across the West Country. This starts to get quite interesting when the like minded start to communicate and meet up, either in the air or on the ground. Paramotoring, from what I have managed to glean so far worldwide, is sometimes quite a solitary sport with the US quoting 51% of pilots flying alone. This might of course be a reflection of their wide open spaces but thinking about it, the UK tends to be similar. Perhaps our club has legs as it will actually be useful to people who FLY. So if all this fires your imagination or makes you curious, why not consider forming your own Branch? Talk to Simon....
  8. norman

    Tip 2 Tip Banner

    Here is a link to the banner, if you want to use it in a forum post, just replace the outer brackets with [ & ] for it to display. Other sizes available on request. yossarian22@mac.com {img]http://myskitch.com/norman.rhodes/tip2tip-20071201-085148.jpg[/img}
  9. norman

    Tip 2 Tip Banner

    Here is a link to the banner, if you want to use it in a forum post, just replace the outer brackets with [ & ] for it to display. Other sizes available on request. yossarian22@mac.com {img]http://myskitch.com/norman.rhodes/tip2tip-20071201-085148.jpg[/img}
  10. If you want to post this banner yourself somewhere, please use the link below to paste it. You will need to adjust the outer brackets to [ & ] . Other sizes available if required. yossarian22@mac.com {img]http://myskitch.com/norman.rhodes/leicestershire_branch_logo-20071201-084455.jpg[/img}
  11. Simon asked me to drop these images here. A very tidy installation I think you will agree. Rumor has it that the strobe is very bright as well, just the thing to warn off passing faster movers I'm thinking.
  12. Bonza Clive! If anyone fancies getting involved in the flight planning process they are welcome to join in.
  13. Congratulations (parajet) Simon! Great to hear you are up and running. Every flying field seems to have a 'Yellow French Thingy' doesn't it? Do you have a Lat/Long for the field or its bearing and distance from a significant feature?
  14. Got my vote. I think the clincher is as asquadie proffered, small charity - big effect. These guys get very little and it is high time they had some support. Being an ex 'Forces brat' myself and having served HM in a small and inconsequential way, it is a cause close to my heart too. On the PR side it is also great. The country wants to see provision being made for our forces dependents and the Air Ambulance has particular relevance for all those who travel - anywhere, let alone Land's End to John O'Groats.
  15. donegalwing, 'Oisin' comes here occasionally, I have talked to him recently on the Paramotor Magazine Forum about his website that covers paramotoring in Ireland. Spectacular country to see from a canvas seat at 20 knots. Let us know how you get on please. http://www.paramotorireland.com/
  16. Francis, Same bar, different conversations groups, that's all. People can still mingle and take part in the broader debates.
  17. Spot on Col, I think that was Simon's objective. The party looms now across the horizon, looking forward to it too, big time! Got some stories to swap then? I have one or two....
  18. asquaddie, Good point! An accepted protocol - I think if we keep the Branch chatter to branch specifics, and general chatter to the main Forum then there is little to lose imho. After all, moving around on the Forum ain't difficult is it? Something Simon seems very keen to perpetuate is a lack of dreary politics and 'compartmentalization' between the branches. In principal we are all part of the same thing - just flying and socializing in our own 'zones'. Flights between Branches, inter Branch competition and cooperation is likely to generate the kind of kinship that I am sure we would all appreciate. There are lots of was to promote cohesion.
  19. Route Planning volunteer here! If anyone is interested another person would be useful. It will be a fun thing to do. The charts should be here today - I ordered them last Friday.
  20. Is it a good idea? Does it dilute the forum? Do you feel excluded or marginalized? Any thoughts?
  21. How about that? Probably a bit too much going on above....
  22. So here we are a month later, a month onward with little fabric supported upward. My own fault really, I shouldn't move house or have a busy job, that would free up some time... but then there's the money.... hmmm. I now have a new wing, 34 square meters rather than the miserly 30. Hoping that this will facilitate the low speed handling side, aid takeoff performance and make landing a pleasurable experience. A bucket-load of improved technique is really the trick but that is generally acquired by practice and for that one must first make it off the ground with everything running. For me return to the air should happen on the 15th of December which will be a glorious day, sun streaming through and between fair weather cumulus with a surface temperature around say ten degrees Celsius? Until then, stay safe and enjoy the buildup to the approaching season of peace and goodwill. Kiting my wing when the wind deigns to blow. As if....
  23. asquaddie, Great to see it being used and glad you like it, if it becomes popular I might even take out the extended account which expands the capabilities of the facility. I will PM you the password for access.
  24. norman


    It is a great sadness that like diving, GA, horse riding and just about every other persuit, the commercial interests become paramount. They all want to sell us something but in truth, without sales there is no support and without support any organisation has no life. It would be great though if sometimes they (the sellers) didn't do a little more to amaze and entertain at these events like say Red Bull? That makes for more of an exciting transaction doesn't it? Yes, I know -
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