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  1. Ok, hopefully I‘ll get a chance to try both before buying. Thanks for your help.
  2. Thanks, that looks great. Did you have much or a breeze in your face when launching? What I’m after is the approximate space or size field room needed for a no wind take off with the 80? I’m 160lbs. Also, do you feel the lower noise level would make the difference for people to be less aware or annoyed as opposed to the 185?
  3. Hi, old to PG and considering PPG. I’ve read that at my weight I could fly either or. Question is whether the 80 will check all my boxes. I know that’s a tall task and would probably want both for different reasons but if buying just one, would I soon regret not having the extra thrust after flying it for a while? I like the comments I read about noise level being approximately 30% less than the 185 and my question is: Does this difference in noise level allow or disallow flying in the general proximity of public? Would people be less apt to complain if hearing an 80 as opposed to the 185? I’ve not chosen a wing either and don’t want to use my free flight wing for this. I want something fairly efficient but leaning more towards a fun sporty flying wing so I can confidently “play” in the sky. Can you turn these off for a quiet glide after reaching altitude and even work light thermals? I assume the 80 would be best for this application whereas the 185 too heavy? How much longer would it take to a) launch from level ground on no wind days as opposed to the 185? How much terra firma will I need in front? b) how long would it take to get to 5k on either the 80 or 185 assuming I go with an average sporty wing? I’m 160lbs. I’’m open to buying a lightly used setup of either or but would want it in excellent condition naturally… or am I better off buyin new? Thanks
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