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Starter Motor for Parajet Volution Compact


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A huge thank you to Andy T :D for skillfully narrowing down my mystery problem to a F****d starter motor :cry: . Although I am happy to clean it up in the hope that it will return to life, I will never have 100% confidence in it now. So; I am looking for a competent / professional refurbisher or a supplier for an FIEM MG 14556 motor (There is a US firm but I'd prefer somewhere nearer home).

I can always call Parajet but I just wonder what other options there might be. Anyone out there got one for sale?

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I went through all this.

If it's the motor you might get it repaired by someone like http://burghfieldstarterandalternatorcentre.co.uk/. They are proper repairers and I've used them for other stuff.

It it's the bendix, and nine times out of ten, it is. You can go through the aggro and long wait and get one shipped from Italy at around £70-£80 for just the bendix

or for £115 you can get a whole new starter (and bendix) from PJ.

In the end I took the last option after much dicking around with the other two.

The whole tale is in my blog.

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Thanks. I emailed Burghfield and StarterMotorMan yesterday. I am not expecting any replies today! But, I have decided to get a new starter from Parajet, (they are back in stock now after some supply problems it seems). I am still looking for someone to refurbish the duff one to keep as a spare so long as it is not stupid money.

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As, I say, Burghfield will be Ok if it needs an electrical repair, but if the bendix is gone , I think you will be joining the ranks of those with a perfectly serviceable motor and a knackered bendix, having bought new because the bendix alone is prohibitively expensive.

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Now I am not so sure about a refurb'. At the beginning of this whole episode the starter pawl failed to disengage and fly back after releasing the start button, (the motor had not fired, just stopped up against compression). On removal from the motor the the starter seemed to be jammed but rotated freely after a bit of a prod and the Bendix then could easily be run up and down the helix.

I don't want to spend the quoted £100 for a refurb' if the Bendix is going jam or cause the same electrical problem. I could easily end up spending more than a new one would cost and even if it worked I would not have confidence in it. I need to get on the phone to Burghfield methinks.

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Bring your duff one to me mate as I have enough parts to make at least 1 decent one and then we can keep it in the Membury spares department (my van) :-)


Sent from my iPhone using PMC Forum mobile app

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