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Is my prop repairable?

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I managed my first faceplant this morning. Nil wind forward launch on slippy mud. Hurt my nose and my prop! I've never damaged a prop before, so I don't know if this is a case for repair or replacement?

If it is repairable, is it a diy job or are there people out there who repair props?

If it needs replacing, does anybody know if it's possible to buy props for Rad Arrows that aren't £320 (that's how much Rad sell their carbon props for)?




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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I went for a little fly this evening for half an hour at sunset, and my repaired prop (I repaired it using two-part epoxy using the Danny Weston method on Youtube and then balanced it with black spraypaint) and it worked fine. Hooray. So I'm going to keep it as a spare as soon as my shiny new D&T prop arrives.

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