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Does my bum look big in this? I'm over 16st, lead balloon?

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Hi Everyone,

This has to be the dullest section of any forum, so thank in advance for even clicking on this post... I thought I was going to have to resort to the title 'naked models paramotor overhead'.

enough babble... I'm 28 and a big fan of all things 'motor', especially if it has four wheels. I have access to some fields near Reigate (and a barn), I'd love to get into this sport. my only flying knowlage comes from tv, video games and many hours of playing with RC kit when I was younger... I even had an RC motorised paraglider :)

I've done a sky dive and flyby wire in NZ... which I know are basically irrelevant, but its the closest thing I can relate to a paramotor (that I've done), well I guess and my power kiteing, but that just drags me around through the mud.

My main question is, what are my options being over 6ft 4 and over 16st?

I live relatively close to both gatwick and also redhill aerodrome, what are the implications of this?

I'd like the prospect of going from a to b too... I know this isnt very practical, but even if 'b' was a pretty place, like a pub on the south downs... or a friends house near a field? is this possible?

Does anyone rent kit like this out too... or is anyone flying around my area?

Thanks again,


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Hi Stu, welcome to the loony bin!!

I am based down in Shoreham and currently training with Steve Haze who lives up in Reigate.

If you have access to some fields(lucky sod) then it would be very wise to get someone to check on the air charts as to the height restrictions that may apply. You would learn this on your course anyway.

Have a real good look around the site, there's lots of useful info. And mad hatters as well..... :lol::lol:


As to your size - should not be a problem. Big wing, big motor - jobs a goodun.

Due to you being in the 'upper' weight ranges, you may have to buy your own gear, depending upon who you train with and how soon you want to start.

Simon also offers training....

http://www.paramotortraining.com/paramo ... /home.html


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Hi stu I'm about to start day 3 with Simon.I'm 6.6small and 97+ kilos light I've been assured I will fly albeit like a cart horse am currently using Simons new revo and looking forward to using his macro pm allthough there's no one at present hiring a.good school supplies.the.right gear needed .it is a bend it you pay for it system so.needless to say a good instructor ain't gonna.take the risk of allowing you to total 7k worth of kit unless they know Your ready to use it correctly.good luck and welcome to the ppg game of frustration bad weather ect :dive::shock:

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