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Polini Thor Paramotor for sale in Classifieds


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Dear All,

Just to get the following noticed.

This is the machine I attempted to fly around the UK for charity. It has done less than 20 hours logged from new. (August was a crap flying month.) But still managed to do 808 miles in 9 flying days with a 29m2 Synthesis and a 75kg pilot at an average of 5 litres per hour.

Why am I selling it. Well I am moving from a low hang point machine to the new mid hang point Bulldog Spirit from Clive Bunce. It also has a Polini Thor engine so I thought I would just keep mine and sell the frame, but Clive said the frame would sell better with the Polini Engine in it.

New right now available from Andy at Flyschool for £4150. Yours for £2897 as the outer cage bars have a few dings. Motor recently serviced by Clive with new centrifugal clutch etc. Steel frame. Nice smooth motor. Got me off the ground safely in conditions I am sure you wouldn't want to try, Oh yes and back down again too!

There is a pic on Andy's website with the actual motor that I flew on the front page.

See classified.



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Yep, just my stupidity, didn't keep an eye on the clutch oil level and was putting a lot of miles on it in a very short time. Will know better next time.

Everything relevant has been replaced with brand new so no worries there. As I said I am very happy with the engine and would happily swap it over to the new frame but Clive suggested that the old frame would be worth more with an engine in it.

Also when fixing the clutch I took the opportunity to swap all the latest modifications from the factory too. New head cover with extra venting. New pull starter crank with different ratio, etc. Also added the regulator for a 12v output. All excellently done by Clive not me.....

Very happy for anyone to check it over.


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clives prob right. splitting the units make them worthless. new polini with prop £1850, seen them advertised for 1.7K! s/h value 1.3K? frame and harness s/h value £500 to £600 ? £1.9K total??

would like to buy the unit though, but it would need to drop

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The motor was delivered some time in May. It was one of the first Poilini Thor models but it has had all the factory upgrades in design in terms of head cover etc. It also has the regulator fitted which is not standard but a very good factory option.

It has the standard Airfer low hang point weight shift attachment points making it very easy to control in the air with the brakes parked.

PM me for more details if you like.


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