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Trike - Foot Launch

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Hi Folks

A little surprised about your uncertainty regarding paramotor trikes.

To clear things up, if wheels are fitted to a paramotor it becomes a microlight, and can be flown under the new SSDR rules. This is regardless of whether it can be footlaunched or not. The wing/motor combination must be registered with the CAA, and it must have a noise certificate or exemption.

The pilot must posses an NPPL rating.

Hope this clears things up.

Andrew Shepherd

Trike pilot, British team China 2007

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Thanks for your input Andy but actually, no it does not clear it up at all. Certainly the FAI requirements for a "paramotor" to compete is as you say but that is not the same thing as the UK CAA SPHG definition. The FAI definition is a classification for the purposes of defining competition classes.

The law looked at by a barister who contends that the law as stated does not proscribe a foot launched paramotor that has a trike undercarriage to land on or support some of its mass on launching.

She states that "the law will only define which machines will or will not fall within the SPHG definition as case law develops. This is common in our legal system where Judges interpret the letter of the law on a case by case basis and precedent is established."

She also assures me that the defence against a charge under this law in any prosecution is a sound one if the "flight or flights that are cited as evidence in that prosecution was (were) innitiated on foot or with some of the mass of the vehicle supported by the legs and feet of the pilot"

subsequent EDIT:

Perhaps the term "trike" is misleading here. I am not necessarily discussing "Trikes" as they currently exist. I am extrapolating to machines that might be built :idea: , are currently in development :wink: or are just appearing on the market (see first post in this thread).

I know what you say Andy is a widely held interpretation of the SPHG definition i.e. "wheels equals microlight", I am diagreeing with that interpretation for the reasons argued throughout my posts. :?:?

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Hi Francis,

CIMA tidied things up recently:

Dear all,

Another email about the FAI CIMA meeting in Lausanne. This includes

Section 10 changes for 2008. I’ll list the changes that were carried,

so if the proposals are not mentioned here, it means they were not

successful. I hope I haven't made any mistakes, but the meeting was

long, on the Saturday we were talking for more than 11 hours.

In all cases, you should refer to the proposal for the exact detail,

this is merely a summary of the meeting. The list of proposals is

available at http://www.flymicro.com/cima07/

2. Footlaunch definition. A footlaunched is one that is launched on

foot, and not ‘demonstrably capable of being footlaunched’

I would not want my hard earned priviledges removed by the CAA, because they are being pushed by people who want to prove a point, (and use lawyers to do so).

The hardest battle has been with de-regulation, not pilot licensing, which has now been overcome with SSDR. So now paramotor trikes can fly legaly, and there is a pilot licencing system in place.

We have fantastic freedom in this country considering the density of air traffic compared to other countries. I do hope that everyone tries to be non-confrontational and we can all carry on doing what we do without demanding rights from an organisation (CAA) that really would rather not have to make a decision on air law.

My being able to fly my trike legally, let alone physically has taken a huge amount of effort, and time, with these issues debated long and hard already. If you are genuinely interested in trike flying, talk to me. If you just want to exercise what you believe is a right to roam, France is a great place to fly!

Sorry if that sounds a little harsh!


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I understand your aprehension Andrew, but believe it to be unfounded.

As you quote:- "2. Footlaunch definition. A footlaunched is one that is launched on

foot, and not ‘demonstrably capable of being footlaunched’ "


there is no mention of whether it has wheels or not ONLY that the aircraft is launched on foot.

The point is a crucial one. You and the trike flying fraternity have your definition and the rules and licenses under which you fly. We SPHG flyers now have a specific definition within which to design and develop craft. The purpose of involving lawyers is ensure that the definition IS adhered to.

Craft ARE being developed under this definition and are coming to the market, at some point the adherence to the definition will be subject to a legal challenge. If found not to comply the culprit will be punished no doubt. It is inescapable, it is in our nature to push the limits. But it does not follow that the rules on "trike" flying as they apply to your craft will be changed as a result. :lol:

France has its own set of rules and definitions that also have to be abided by. Moving to France is an attractive proposition for many reasons but........ regulation toujours les regulation! :roll:

EDIT: however I may well take you up on your offer re: learning to trike :wink:

EDIT2: what I have in mind is less like a trike and more akin to the principle exhibited in the doodlebug and mosquito systems but using a parawing.

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My advice: go for it Francis! we need more pioneers!....every form of aviation was illegal before it was invented.

Usually what happens is people start flying things illegally, and quietly, and after a while, if they become popular and the pioneers are still living, a way is made within legislation to accommodate them.

I would hate for existing privileges to be jeopardised by stupidity though! would you not agree?


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