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Paramotor Training in Devon.


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I am thinking of running a PPG1 course in Devon in September.

I have a couple of names already from people in Devon so just a couple more should do it.

I am also on the look out for a site. (I can get on near Tavistock, but its unknown and would much prefer to use a PMC memebrs site which has been proven to work well in all directions, any help would be great.)

Please PM me if you are interested in getting on this course, or have a possible site for use to use / rent. I will have a full set of school kit for all different weight people which you can use FOC so if you don't have your kit, its not a show stopper.


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  • 2 weeks later...

My best fields are growing vegetables Simon. The rest dont take all wind directions because of the trees and associated rotor. Wouldn't do it to a new guy, though I dont have much respect for myself sometimes ! Cousin has a nice site but that's got free range laying birds nearby and he's worried about a drop in income. The other one on Exmoor is holding my fly in soon and thought it best to see how the neighbours react, before agreeing to more traffic.

Will try to come up with a goodun because I'd like to spectate if poss, maybe even lend a hand, and a powerfull motor if you've got any heavyweights. Might be interesting to get an opinion from someone who's had hands on experience with my machine and not just a PC keyboard :D


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