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RAD pilots


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Apologies if you've already seen this - I've also posted this on another forum: -

At last years Pie and Peas there were three of us RAD pilots (2 x MXL,

1 x RXL) who formed a quiet little group, waxing lyrical about our

massive 34 Kgs of thrust, and how grateful we were for the 10 kmh

headwind at take off.

I'd like to get in touch with other two RAD pilots to arrange a

flymeet - unfortunately the Christmas stupor has dulled my memory and I

don't have their contact details (or names). If any knows who they are

I'd be very grateful for their email addresses - I think they came from

the Northampton area; they flew modified MXL and RXLs; one of

them spent the Saturday night in a fishing shelter.



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