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Please comment on the below idea for the site.

Voluntary £5 PMC membership which will get you :

Free entry to all Club events.

10% Club Discount from UK-Airsports. (must order via the club)

This list will get bigger! If you would like to make an offer please call....

This will enable us to continue to make this site better by adding content and members offers. You do not HAVE to pay. But if you are a paying member you will benefit from more features.

If you are not a paying member, you will not loose anything. :D

So in the main this is a way of adding more content, and features and offers to this club. People who are subscribing vote on ideas submitted and so on...

The admin of this is very easy using Paypal, it will keep taking a fiver until you tell it to stop, simple.

I am more interested in the reaction regarding the paid membership level, rather than the how to do it at this stage please.

comments needed.


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