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Hi Everyone,

New to the paramotoring/paragliding scene, started my tution back home in Zimbabwe but was cut short due to local political sitautions (im sure youve all heard about) arising and had to leave rapidly.

Anyway after settling and sorting myself out im quite keen to get back into flying and completing my tution. My main goal is to get into paramotoring as the idea of not letting the weather get in your way(to a degree) appeals to me!

I would really like to get into contact with local flyers and decent schools in the Poole/Swanage, Dorset Area. Any advice would be much appreciated! :)

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Hi Lloyd and welcome.

Your local paragliding club is the Mighty Wessex. http://www.wessexhgpg.org.uk/

and you can get paramotoring training with John Welch at http://www.flightculture.co.uk/

he is mainly PG hill but has recently attained his PPG instructor license I believe.

If you want to fly PG in UK it is most easily done by joining the BHPA and getting your Pilot rating in a BHPA school. They will credit your Zimbabwe training by assessing your current level and taking you from there. PPG is easier to do outside an organisation but if you are in the BHPA for PG its just as easy to be in it for PPG also. John Welch will advise you in detail.

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Thanks Francis, iv tried contacting John but by the looks of things hes away for a week or so, so hopefully il be able to get in touch with him then! The last time i did my tution was a few years back so id most likely have to start from scratch again to be safe!

Thanks again!

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