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Para Motor Trikes


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Any body else frustrated with the lack of movement on using a trike with a paramotor. It seems to me having to pass a microlite pilots licence will not fully cover how to fly a Paraglider with a trike. I contacted 10 or so Microlite schools and none could give me instruction using, a Powered Paraglider or Powered Parachute. I understand that the CAA would regard me taking off with Roller Boots on my feet as a Microlite. This whole system is crazy.

Any one have any news or ideas how to sort this out?



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Yes it is a tricky one. If you have PPG experience and can already fly a trike then any microlight instructor can examine you and give you the theory needed. But it is difficult to find anyone to train you as there are no dual seat trikes in the uk apparently?

edit......Andy posting as Daglocks once offered to help in this.... Are you there Andy????

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  • 1 year later...

Yes it is a tricky one. If you have PPG experience and can already fly a trike then any microlight instructor can examine you and give you the theory needed.

But it is difficult to find anyone to train you as there are no dual seat trikes in the uk apparently?

edit......Andy posting as Daglocks once offered to help in this.... Are you there Andy????

Might not be long now Francis

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I e chatted with Paul Mahoney about this...

He did say that if enough people got together tha he would run a course over in Spain.

Paul? are you still up for this one?


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Chris Dawes at Airways Airsports in Ashbourne, Derby trained both my wife and I on a Bailey Quattro.

Excellent instructors and facilities.

We went from complete newbies to flying confidently in 4 hrs after doing a Winch PC course which gave us complete confidence in handling and flying a wing.


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Chris Dawes at Airways Airsports in Ashbourne, Derby trained both my wife and I on a Bailey Quattro.

Excellent instructors and facilities.

We went from complete newbies to flying confidently in 4 hrs after doing a Winch PC course which gave us complete confidence in handling and flying a wing.


If I am reading this right you went from winch launched CP or EP to A qualified paramotor trike pilot in 4 hours?

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That was definitely NOT our experience.

We were down to do an EP course then onto the trike but we enjoyed the free flight so much we asked to do a CP and fortunately had a wonderful spell of fine weather end of May/ beginning of June so completed both in 7 days. We camped at Ashbourne by the airstrip at Airways, free of charge, and then did our 4 hrs, YES only 4hrs, instruction to get a restricted licence. We went back in July but were rained off so finished all our exams. We had to persuade and cajole them to sell us equipment and never felt that we were being ripped off.

Completely satisfied with the training


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That was definitely NOT our experience.

We were down to do an EP course then onto the trike but we enjoyed the free flight so much we asked to do a CP and fortunately had a wonderful spell of fine weather end of May/ beginning of June so completed both in 7 days. We camped at Ashbourne by the airstrip at Airways, free of charge, and then did our 4 hrs, YES only 4hrs, instruction to get a restricted licence. We went back in July but were rained off so finished all our exams. We had to persuade and cajole them to sell us equipment and never felt that we were being ripped off.

Completely satisfied with the training


so you want from Cp (tow or hill) to A restricted powered trike pilot????

I'm sorry but there is no way you should or could have learned how to safely handle

a powered trike in 4 hours as you had no experience of powered flight before.

Which training sylibus did you train to??

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I have to say,

If this is the case, I would be stunned! It would be simply putting people (including ones on the ground) in danger.

Someone please tell me it's not true?

Clear up this little mistake?


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Training was conducted to NPPL (PPC) syllabus.

see LASORS section C6 for requirements.

A trike is officially a sub 115kg SSDR microlight aeroplane and, as such, has to conform to CAA requirements.

Our trike is registered as G-CFZU and the training was completely sufficient to enable us to fly safely.

Your incredulity only serves to demonstrate your ignorance of the regulations.

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Your incredulity only serves to demonstrate your ignorance of the regulations.

This is not the case at all.

We are not suggesting that you have not completed a full course and are legal. What is amazing is the (LACK) of airtime under power to allow you to have gained this qualification.

You have done noting wrong, nor has Airways... but I do think that if the recognised course / rating only requires 4 hours instruction then it needs a huge re-think and whoever wrote it did VERY wrong. (my personal opinion of course)

In 4 hours air time, you will not have expereanced (under instruction) many of the mistakes that people make (not under instruction, and have corrected for them via radio or hand signals) Thats what scares me.

Fly safe.


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Well the 4 hrs flying time is a CAA requirement and they are NOT known for their generosity when setting standards. It should be noted that this is only the first level qualification and comes with restrictions.

The full unrestricted licence requires 11 hrs flying time, 5 of which are to be spent on Navigation and 2 cross-country flights of not less than 25 nm each.

Its more of a Provisional licence, but as the trikes are single seat only it is effectively a licence to fly solo but still under supervision until the full requirements are met.

That way all the issues you come across in the first few hrs of solo flying can be addressed and corrected.

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So in PPL terms, it is up to the point at which you first solo, so I can see this being within four hours on a PPG trike.

Even after a PPL has a first solo under his belt, there is still a lot of instruction to do, I guess the NPPL is no different.

My only thought is that I understood the requirements to be that you needed a minimum of 32 hours flying in order to gain your full ticket. Presumably your free flight does not contribute to this?


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Yes thats right. Free flight, being unregulated, does not contribute to either the 45 hrs needed for a PPL(A) licence, the 32 hrs needed for a NPPL(SSEA/SLMG) licence, the 25hrs needed for the NPPL(microlight) licence or the 11 hrs needed for an NPPL(PPC) licence.

Paramotor trikes are classed as Powered Parachutes for the purposes of licencing and as aeroplanes for the purposes of registration.

That's what comes of adding wheels to a paramotor!!

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