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Welcome to the South Africa thread to the Paramotor Club Forum.

I am Tony Gibson and live in South Africa, I have been flying PG, PPG, PPT and PPC's now for many years and have a School in Centurion near Pretoria. We are located at 4670ft ASL which make flying PPG's very difficult if you dont fly with rather powerfull motors. The best part of this is the weather is stunning most of the time and we fly all year round as it does not snow here at all. Winter is also not a rain fall time for Pretoria so our most stunning flights are during this time of the year. The down side is the temp. can be as low as -5deg C and this means just getting dressed for the occasion. Summer is stunning ly hot in the midday and causes big booming thermals so if this is your game then we have the place and the thermal to suit. The early morning flying is the best but usualy the grass field we fly from is wet making it better for more experienced pilots than students and there is no wind normaly at 5am. the afternoons are stunning for students and then we normaly get 2h30min of time to fly befor the sunn disappears.

This is the main reason for the early morning starts as we can fly from 4:45am to around 10am with out to much turbulance in the mid summer time. Winter is a much later start and the sun sets at 5pm again. We have the best potential for long nav flying and the secnery is stunning. We over fly at least 3 game farms on a long flight, but remember the small cats you see from the air can eat you if you land near them.

Welcome to South Africa where the weather is good most of the year and the flying is awsome.

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Hi 'T-bone' Tony, long time no speak! Am coming down to Jo'burg on Saturday but have family in tow this time so am committed to things such as safari rather than fun-flying! Hope you are well.


Ian (Virgin) (name, not description!)

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Hi Tony,

Well you know what they say about toys and winning! :wink:

Tony, delighted to see you form a new club. As soon as my fleet makes it down there again I will come and say hello. I really miss SA, the sunshine and the welcome - what could beat it?

Could you drop me the lat and long of your flying field (s) please. I will post up a few graphics so that we can visualise where you are and use Google Earth to sample the delights at range.

Best regards! Norman

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