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Posts posted by BenM

  1. 4 hours ago, admin (Simon W) said:

    To be honest, I ended up binning the advice in the manual.

    I found the following to be effective: 

    Prime as normal, get it on your back and 2-3 normal pulls on the starter with 1/3 throttle. Job done. 

    Happy to help if your local enough. :-) 

    SW :D

    Thanks a lot Simon ? sadly not local but I do appreciate !


  2. On 13/01/2018 at 07:15, admin (Simon W) said:

    Depending on the quality of the oil you have mixed with the petrol, it can last for months. :-) 

    The EOS is a tiny bit funky to start, so if your having starting issues... it's probably not the fuel its self. 

    Welcome to the Paramotor Club! :-) 

    SW :D


    Hi Simon. New EOS 100 owner here. Why is it a bit funky to start and do you have any tips on how to get round that funky staring issue ? Aside from the advice in the manual :) 


    cheers ! 

  3. On 24/02/2018 at 08:36, Wyrleybird said:

    BenM if you have a strobe light why wouldn't you use it during the day? as you are only VFR anyway.

    They are very effective during daylight hours

    I was thinking more 30mins after sunrise and 30 before sunset when it gets less light. Glad they work in daylight. Will take a look 

  4. So the engine is running okay. It’s just leaking tones of black oil like sludge from the engine block so I’ve got in contact with the supplier. Have you Seb this too Simon ? (I’m sure I’ve heard others complain of this too) 

    I’ve got a little air bubbles in the line just before the carb and after the in line fuel filter is this okay and likely to go or needs pruning out ? 


    Thanks again !

  5. Cheers for the info Simon, I’m not sure I’ve fully warmed it up, exhaust is warm and so is engine block but carb is pretty much still cold to touch so I will give it a long run over the weekend and see how it does !


  6. Hello All !

    I’m Looking for a little advice with the EOS100 engine. I’ve got one near brand new at 4 hours old. When starts it runs okay then cuts out after around 2 mins.

    When re starting, it runs fairly erratically and can seemingly idle down too low and then sounds like the starter engages a knocking sound then cuts out.

    Adding a little gas/throttle to prevent that seems to of course prevent the low idle cut out but then engine RPM seems to jump around quite a bit. 

    Is this just the standard for a cold, new 2 stroke in very cold weather ?
    I’ve Not flown it as I’m still learning but I’m just ground running at the idle mark to test my purchase works (prop off of course and okayed by manufacturer fir warm up at pre flight) 
    Thanks for the help !  

  7. I’m at airways Airsports. I can for sure recommend and got to say the guys there are great. Just book in for that taster day and you will get to fly/check it out.  I’m currently learning their but have been waiting for some decent weather. 

    Drive time for me is also around 2hours but it will be worth it !! 

    Spain flying would be top ! 

  8. Hello ! I’m from Preston Also. Pretty much stuck on local training as there is non ! 

    My only Problem with traveling to far away places to train is realising the weather is no good then having to travel all the way back. However I think I’ve pretty much decided to go to Airways Airsports in Darbyshire. I did my taster day there. Where abouts in preston are you from ? 


    Simon W sadly there was no reply from east to West Yorkshire paramotors ! But I managed to find them on Facebook and did message them !

  9. 23 hours ago, alan_k said:

    I have no experience with either training organisation, however I would point out that with both you would be taught to paraglide first before conversion to PPG.

    If you wish to do PG also then fine, if you really just want to solely do PPG then personally I think it is a long winded and  unnecessary process.

    Good luck with whoever you go with :D

    I do agree that it feels longer winded doing it that way ! 

    I feel once i take off with a motor there will be no going back, but we will see !

  10. Hello all.

    I’m currently booked in for a first day training at Airways Airsports, also been in contact with active edge on the Yorkshire Dales. Quite a trek To both places as there seems to be no schools in Lancashire ! Can anyone recommend the above ? 


    Cheers ! 

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