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Posts posted by pjenni12

  1. Can everyone keep an eye out for a wing that 'dissapeared' from the British Open this weekend in Hull.

    It belongs to the current World Champion Pascal Vallee.

    It is a prototype Adventure Flex Race size 20m, colour mainly white with a light green squiggle on the top. It also has the French registration 78ALA on the underside in large black letters. The risers are also modified with extra steering.

    Not only is this a saddening thing that someone could take from 'one of our own' but due to the type of wing it could be very dangerous in the wrong hands.

    If anyone has any info or see's it advertised anywhere please let me know directly.

    my contact is pjenni12 at g m a i l.com


  2. Anyone still following this thread should go and read Francis comment on the main paramotor forum as it explains quite clearly why we have to make this event solely for BHPA members and also the reasoning behind the no spectators rule.

    Anyone that thinks they can just host this type of event themselves your very wrong.

    http://www.paramotorforum.co.uk/viewtop ... 9&start=20

    Post is the 8.47 am one.

  3. Jock, thats not the French Open that is the results from just 2 tasks of Salomania a totally separate competition held after the Open.

    The open results are here


    And the final results from Slalomania are here


    If you wish to read more info on the tasks you can find my blog on it here


    Regarding kit choice.

    Alex won on a MacFly Polini 200 and 18 Ozone Viper Proto

    David was on a Adventure X Race and modified Hadron 24

    Michel was on a Nirvana NS200 and Nucleon WRC 31

    Julien was on Miniplane Top 80 Powerplay Scorpio

    I was on Zenith Top 80 and Hadron 20

  4. Yes I can recommend the Climatic range as I have been using them for over a year. They provide excellent grip and feel but to do this need to be quite thin. Therefore I only use mine in the warmer months and rely on my Gin winter gloves for when it gets really cold.

    And yes I am currently sponsored by MacWet but this is my honest opinion :-)

  5. Just back from limping around this years Coupe Icare and thought i'd let you all in to a little secret.

    All I can say is keep an eye on this guys YouTube channel


    If your not aware of Devin then check out his other videos. He's one of the top 30 most watched channels on YouTube, and nearly all his videos go viral.

    He will be posting something in the next week....


  6. The main reason so many Ozone pilots is due to Alex Mateos winning nearly every Slalomania event. He could win flying a tarpaulin as he's in another league. If he was flying a GTR or Hadron I believe he'd still win. Consequently everyone see's him on an Ozone and buys one, same as he flys a miniplane and there are loads of pilots usining them too, of course matched with the obligatory Viper!

  7. I would've expected more speed from a glider with that tiny surface area, at that weight. Although they do say it's trimmed for competition acro turns, rather than flat out running.

    An uncertified glider though - will it be allowed to compete 'normal' PPG championships? Thought the very sad debacle at the Piedrahita PG Worlds last year meant that the FAI (CIVL) has banned the use of non certified gliders in comps, at least for the time being?


    Pascal Vallee clocked 67km/h on his in lasts years open though I doubt it has standard risers.

    Regarding competing on uncertified gliders in 'normal' comps yes its fine (at the moment) and unlikely to change. All the top pilots alter there wings to suit them and competition flying so most will be out of certification if origanlly in.

    Also there is a massive difference between the 2 liner open class wings and an uncertified paramotor wing.

    The Hadron, is a great wing to fly and I have always felt very safe on it in all the conditions I have flown.

    The video of Pascal having a large asymmetric collapse at Las Candelas this year was down to him trying different risers, and even then it recovered well.

  8. I raced home early yesterday for an afternoons flying only to have to wait for the UPS man to deliver my prop. I presumed it would have been dropped off mid morning....guess what he brought it at 5.30!

    Which left me all of 30 mins to balst around the field, not what I had planned but better than nothing. :D

  9. Indeed Steve is right, Dean is just about to get on a plane to Brazil to compete in the Fly games http://www.ojovolador.com/eng/paramotor/?show=1482

    He is armed with the latest Polini 200 (proto) in a custom Volution chassis and Paramania GTR. As he's the only Brit there and on top form we're hoping to get a good result.

    I am also now a Parajet team pilot and have spent the weekend at the factory fitting out my new Volution chassis with a Top 80 and 130 prop.

    Coming to a comp field near you!




  10. On my Fusion 20 for cloverleaf I used just above neutral trim so i could keep the 180° tuns tight, and for Japanese slalom I used 3/4 as there is more straight line distance to cover. All of this is done on the brakes as the stabilo tip steer is only really good for course correction and slower turns.



    The new wing is awesome but still getting to grips with it all :D

  11. At half trim, I'd really be thinking about using Tip Steering and Weight shift rather than brakes once the reflex profile has come into effect. Using brakes when the trims are all the way out is dangerous and not recommended by Paramania.

    Hi Steve, I'd agree that tip steering and weight shift is a good way of course correction when trims are out, but it you are perfectly safe to use the brakes on a Revolution with trims out and there is no mention in the Revolution Manual of this being not recommended. Admittedly you are disturbing the reflex profile but this isn't unsafe.

    http://www.flyparamania.com/downloads/r ... manual.pdf

  12. Hi Lloyd, I have been the last 2 years and its a fantastic festival with loads to see and set in the most magical of places. In fact the pictures in this months Paramotor mag are me flying in the valley :D

    If you want to fly during the festival you will need proof of insurance and you have to register with the on site marshal so he can give you a sticker for your helmet. Then you are only allowed to fly certain times and certain places, depending what other aerial activities are going on.

    The best thing is to get there on the Monday or Tuesday before it starts and you can go where and when you like, plus you can free fly without there being loads of other pilots there.

    There is 3 huge fields for free camping in and the expo and cinema are the only things you have to pay to get in to and they are only about €10-15 for the whole weekend.

    Quite a few brits already go over but it would be good to see even more there.


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