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Posts posted by Phil_P

  1. This is just the sort of post which could bring the wrong kind of attention to this sport.

    Clearly common sense would dictate that no private pilot should fly over or near a prison considering all of the sensitivities of a place like this. I would suggest that any flights over such a place would result in the pilots untimely incarceration until their intentions could be proven as accidental/stupid.

    Even discussing such a matter is dangerous if it brings to light the kind of activities that some pilots are prepared to indulge in. A prison is not like a zoo where the inmates can be safely observed from the sky.

    Please pilots exercise common sense. :D


    I'm sorry Merlin, this is complete paranoia. If the powers that be don't want us (or anyone else) to fly over a prison, then they will undoubtably have a restricted area declared around the environs. Unless an area is so marked on a CAA chart, and I am otherwise behaving within any limits of my permission to fly (be this a private pilots licence, or an exemption to the ANO that permits us to fly FLPPG's), then I will fly wherever I like, and will be more than happy to defend my position should the need ever arise.

    As if it isn't bad enough, that we have to contend with vast swathes of airspace that are off limits to us, you are now suggesting that we should voluntarily, decline to fly in areas where it is completely legal.

    And what would your suggestion be for pilots flying over unfamiliar areas of the country? Should they research all the prisons in the area, so as to avoid an overflight? Or should he/she simply plan their flight based on any NOTAM's and the current CAA chart? I know what I shall be doing.

  2. Please convey my apologies for non-attendance, but it's a darned long drive for me even if I was able to get a carer for our foster son (which is difficult at the best of times, given his issues)

    Suffice to say, I would still very much like to be involved, and you never know when you might need someone to stick a bl**dy great needle in you :twisted:

  3. Talking of the T2T'09, please convey my apologies for non-attendance, but it's a darned long drive for me even if I was able to get a carer for our foster son (which is difficult at the best of times, given his issues)

    Suffice to say, I would still very much like to be involved, and you never know when you might need someone to stick a bl**dy great needle in you :twisted:

  4. Excellent. Where do I sign up SLiM? Surely if we get a big old group of us in one place, you can go through all the jazz and get us 'passed' to whatever level is neccessary? I for one would love to comply with the law and am happy to pay for that privilege (that is why my new radio hasn't been switched on yet...).

    Surely at some point in the future when we become 'regulated', we will need to unanimously decide on a universal form of communication for paramotorists? Whether it's 2m or airband (assuming we end up lugging transponders around)?!?

    As the PMC seem to be murmering towards a structured sylabus as it were, would this be part of it?

    As Slim has stated, he could get us passed as radio amateurs, but it is still illegal to use those frequencies airborne. THE ONLY licensable means of communications between pilots, is airband, and unfortunately, Slim can't test you on that one, you'll have to track down your own instructor. There is also the small technical hitch, that there is no current airband hand transportable that has type approval for airborne use, so you would have use one of the older ICOM sets.

    That all said, keep your head down, and behave responsibly, and the chances are you won't get scr**ed by the authorities. 70 prosecutions seems to me an absolute drop in the ocean considering the number of people who must be operating outside of the law.

    Just my two drachmas worth.

  5. Just been to my nearest Lidl and picked up a quilted overall (the last in the shop I think) that was part of the motoring promo that they had last week. It's going to make a great cooler weather flying suit, and for £15 was a major bargain. Not as flash as my thinner pilots coverall, it doesn't have as many pockets, or the transparent knee map pockets, but seems well put together, and even has a zip off hood for when you're parawaiting.

    Also got a multi function battery charger (that'll do for my motor battery, and the AGM batteries in both my, and SWMBO's motorbikes), a wheel brace (for the bargain Vitara I've just bought off fleabay to access flying sites), a PMR radio complete with headset and remote PTT ( to use with the pilot I met the other day who only has PMR gear), a trolley jack (need to get under my car to replace the lambda sensor)and a couple of T shirts. :D

    £60 for the whole lot !!!! :shock:

  6. The only issue with us paramotor lot trying to use that sort of PG harness, is that it is difficult (and fairly pointless) trying to get into a supine (lying down) position, as we have a pretty rigid motor structure down our backs. The cocoon legs might be pleasant in a 'keeping your legs warm' sort of way, but we're never going to get terribly aerodynamic, due to the constraints of our motor.

  7. What a great day. The first day in a few when it's been even close to flyable.

    I'd emailed someone off Paramotorsuk who lives local to me. This morning I got a reply saying he was going to try and have a fly from one of the nearby villages, but by the time I read the email, there was no answer on his phone, so I guessed I had missed him.

    On the off chance though, I loaded up my gear, and drove up to the village that he was due to fly from. As luck would have it, I spotted him in the air and tried to signal to him. Unfortunately he didn't see me. He was making very little headway against the breeze, and by the time I had turned the car round, he had turned and was headed off into the distance. I followed as best I could, and eventually spotted him, just touched down in a field about a quarter of a mile away, with a building and windsock. I managed to navigate my way to the spot, and was most surprised when I turned in through the gate, to find myself driving down a well maintained grass runway about 500m long, with a hanger and the flying stranger at the far end.

    I drove down and introduced myself to Roger, who only knew my name from the one email I'd sent him.

    Well to cut a long story short (perhaps a lost cause now), we had a really great natter, and after a bit of debate about whether the conditions were going to improve, he talked me into having a fly with him. It took a couple of attempts, the failure was because I didn't run direct into wind, and instead, tried to be an aeroplane and take off down the runway. Once I made my run virtually at right angles to the runway, it was up and away :D

    Just had a really nice bimble around, with the wind at about a thousand feet leaving you almost hovering, and giving an almost vertical descent if you cut the power. I'm pretty sure my rate of climb has improved, but then it really should have, as I've shed over twenty pounds in the last three weeks.

    My landing was the worst so far, with a slight tumble, but no damage or injuries.

    I just love this sport/pastime SO much, I'm home and buzzing again, the clouds are making it overcast and rain is imminent, but I don't care because I've had my fix. Yippeeeee!

  8. When I serviced my carb, I didn't disturb the needle and spring, so I didn't have to worry about resetting the pop-off pressure.

    Get yourself stuck in, a two stroke is so simple, there is precious little you can screw up.

    A decent socket set (quality rather than size) together with a set of allen keys, and that torque wrench will always stand you in good stead, and mean that when she won't start for you at the field, you stand half a chance of diagnosing and fixing the fault.

  9. Ahh, Summer Wine City eh? That's where my in-laws live.

    There is no requirement for any form of licence, approval or testing. Any training is voluntary (but a bl**dy good idea).

    Well, you can go to an instructor, use their gear and learn to fly in a package deal. Prices vary depending on whether it's a one man band, or a larger company (have a look at 'Airways' near Ashbourne, Derby, their web site might give you an idea on prices).

    Once you are able to get yourself in the air, you can go your own way if you so desire (in fact you can teach yourself from scratch, but it's not very advisable). or perhaps join a club and fly with some mates. Or even just meet up with a couple of like minded friends, and fly together.

    You can kit yourself out for around about £3000, give or take, sometimes you can pick up a bargain, or you can spend more if you buy new.

    Basics are a motor, a wing, a helmet and a pair of boots, an altimeter and a GPS are well useful. You must carry a current CAA chart, and it's essential you understand what it's telling you, so you don't blunder into anyone's' controlled airspace. A basic understanding of UK air law is a really good idea. Third party insurance is advisable, just in case you land on someones Rolls Royce, or startle a horse into throwing a rider.

    Any more specifics, ask away.

  10. The trouble with making it a paramotor only as opposed to a 'family' thing, is I would find it hard to justify the expense of a holiday just for myself, where proportionally, taking wife and or child doesn't add substantially to the cost.

    We could always split into 'campers' and 'hotelers'. It would still provide the opportunity to do stuff like group BBQ's at a camp site, and maybe we could find one of the sites that have tents already set up for you

    Given the distance, and the reality of someone having to drive to get the kit there, I think we have to be looking at at LEAST a week, and perhaps even ten days.

    I wonder if those that fly in could hire a mini-bus to get everyone from airport to resort.

    Haven't looked at expected weather for the region, but given the latitude, it would hopefully be at least 'pleasant'. with a projected date of sometime between mid Jan through to mid March.

  11. My opinion is that if you have enough skill and confidence to fly a Synth or a Revolution or Reaction you will also be OK with the HP, but you should be in the middle or bottom of the weight range not the top half.

    Paul D

    Paul, I thought that greater risk comes from flying a wing that is lightly loaded than from one that is heavily loaded?

  12. Brutus, there will be much work before we can confirm if the trip will take place. We would very much like to travel to Portugal, but many things could prevent it from happening. Please understand that much has to be done.

    O Brutus, lá será muito trabalho antes que nós possamos confirmar se o desengate ocorrerá. Nós gostaríamos muito de viajar a Portugal, mas muitas coisas poderiam impedir que aconteça. Compreenda por favor que muito tem que ser feito.


  13. Well once I get the towbar fitted to my Skoda, I might be persuaded to hire a trailer and do some of the driving. Reason I'm offering is that I'm running on LPG, and as long as I can get it en-route then would save a bob or two in fuel. Only hiccup is that I can't use the Chunnel.

    As far as I can see though, it's north of Lisbon, so not all the way to SW Spain. Did you mean SW France?

    Just had a look, and from me it's about 1500 miles, that works out about £125 on gas or £250 petrol

    With a box trailer with perhaps 6 or so motors, that sounds workable. It would be nice to have someone with me to co-drive though. Another alternative would be to look at what other facilities/ attractions there are in the area, and see whether we could make it a family 'do'. Perhaps take over a corner of a campsite, with kids, family BBQ's etc. Then if any flyer wanted to take a day off, there would still be 'stuff' to do. I for one quite enjoy the company of my significant other.

  14. Here is one for the misses.... You are more likely to hurt yourself 'driving' to the airfield than during flight! and that is not just PPG that is ALL flight in the world of ALL types.

    SW :D

    Would you like to quote your figures on that one Simon? I have never seen any research saying that paramotoring is safer than driving. Whilst there are far more accidents on the road, there are massively more road journeys taken.

  15. Yea just slide your hand up the riser to get all the lines together and cut the lines. then swim away

    Pete b

    Hehe, you make it sound so easy. Panic stricken with a face full of freezing water can make even the most mundane task perilously difficult.

  16. I know that hook knive will easily go through lines, but will it go through risers? Has anyone tried it?

    Just though it would be useful to know, because if you ever find yourself in water, being dragged by wing in the current, face down, hook knive in hand, can't release buckles, just a few seconds of breath left. Are you wasting your time trying to hack through the riser?

    Paul D

    I've bought some hook knives that I was going to market to the group if anyone was interested. They're not dedicated 'riser' knives, but I tested one on the very thickest toughest webbing (off a scuba dive harness) that I could find, and with a firm pull, went through it like a knife through butter. Lines will be a doddle. They come with a load of spare blades too.

    I'll get a photo or two posted up if anyone is interested. They don't come in a fancy pouch or anything, but have a hole for a lanyard that I've sewn a webbing loop into, and they will only be a fiver posted within the UK.

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