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Posts posted by bubba1

  1. I have been using this throttle since my third flight really like it.For take off your hands areless cluttered which makes it slightly easier.In flight its comfy and responsive.I haven't used the cruise control yet so cant comment on that.

    A couple things to bear in mind.You need to keep you throttle finger outside of brakes as you can inadvertently switch off the engine.You may need to make a few extra straps to hold the cable on your arm to stop it moving around.

    I find it an excellent piece of kit that has been well thought out.

  2. I have one and had 4 flights since fitting it. I find take off that much easier as my hands are that much freer. But you do have to be careful how you hold the brake handle as I found out.

    You must keep that finger outside of the brake as you may inadvertently switch the engine off.

  3. I haven't flown for a little while and was really looking forward to getting into the air.

    I arrived at my field just after sunrise this morning.There was hardly any breeze so was expecting a lovely smooth flight.Many failed launches followed,thought I had managed to nail these forward launches.

    Eventually after 7 attempts, a bit of a rest and few cups of coffee I managed to get airborne,thats when my real troubles started!

    I found that I was continually having to put in left brake.I thought this to be a little strange as my motor torques to the left.I looked down to find my right carbiner had caught up on my j bar,shit!So with much effort I was able to free it up,thank god for that .

    So on I went cruising around in rather lumpy conditions enjoying the view.As I was over a mates place I decided to come in a bit lower and buzz his field.I was down to about 200 ft pulled a tight right hand turn and as I did so I inadvertently pushed the stop button,at that point I shat myself no time to try and restart [pull start]!Shit which direction is the wind coming from,I was going down wind so had to pull a quick 180.Thankfully its quite a big field, but as I came in to land on my arse my wing almost went into a barb wire, fence,all witnessed by my mate.

    Thankfully nothing damaged just gave my left hip a bit of a bang.

    So I can now tick off an engine out from my list.Very scary !!!! Thank god I was over a very large field.Everything happened so quickly from engine off to landing was about 15 seconds!!!! :explode:

  4. Hi I am off to Cairanne in southern France in a couple of weeks time and I am going to take my kit.I know that as a visiting pilot I am ok but I am wanting to find out about the local airspace.Is there anywhere I can view the local aircharts without having to purchase one?I'm only there for a week so probably only get 1 or 2 flights in.Any help would be appreciated.

  5. At last this evening I had my first flight from my new field near Reading.

    It was a perfect take off into a lovely silky sky.I had a good 40 min flight over flying as many peoples houses that I know.Flew over my house to wave at the family.Wow absolutely amazing to finally see my local area from the air.Can't wait to go again. Didn't take any photos but I will next time.Totally made up and grinning like an idiot!!!!!

  6. Well done Patrick.You should have hung around for a second flight on Saturday.After waiting ages for the thermals to drop off I took off into the worst conditions I have flown in .On the ground it looked all good but once in the air it was terrible ,was getting bumped around all over the place.Just rode it out and came into land pretty quickly.Good job some of the newbees failed their launches as they wouldn't have enjoyed their 1 st flights.

    Shame I couldn't make Sunday I would have joined you on the flight to Reading.Maybe next time

  7. I am in the need for some basic electronics equipment for flying but unsure what to get.I was just going to get an alti watch but for around the same price I can purchase a Garmin 60,that would give me all the info I need .Should I get both or just rely on the GPS.

  8. Had my first flight away from the Membury nest on Wednesday down near Bristol with George.This was my fourth flight, only a little blatt around the field but really good to be in the air after such along wait.Thanks very much to George, can't wait to come back down to your field.

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