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Paramotorists around Richmond, North Yorkshire

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Hi all,

About the 15th or so of Oct I saw Paramotors flying around Middleton Tyas and Hutton Magna. I was standing on my wall and totally enthralled!!..my wife was taking the mickey out of me stood there with my mouth hanging open! Lol

Anyway, I just wanted to say how great it was to see them flying around this part of N. Yorks (its a rare sight) and if you are a member of this forum please get in touch as I am hell bent on finally getting into this hobby ( turning out to be one hell of a struggle to get properly started), so the chance to meet local pilots would be great!



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Hi Simon, there has been a multitude of hold-ups: financial, my Wife (and myself) worrying about the safety aspect (I had a Flexi microlight accident in March which I was very lucky to walk away from) and also a couple of very near purchases of full Paramotor set-ups that I was extremely close to buying. The reason I didnt buy the rigs is that although the first the first I intended to buy was immaculate, I was advised very strongly the wing was totally unsuitable for a beginner (Macpara Velvet). The second set-up wa snot as described...damaged etc.

In hind sight, I am glad to have had these problems as its made me realise that in reality it makes much more sense to train first and then look around for gear and its also allowed me to learn so much more about what is good and not so good in the Paramotor world!

I'm hoping to be able to have a Tandem flight with Hull Aero Club Paramotors with Alan. I'm hoping this will well and truly hook me and I can then train with Alan; realising my dream :D. Its a 2.15hr drive from my home but I'm sure it will be worth it.

Got to say just researching all about this sport is amazing enough...God knows what its like to actually do it!!


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Hi Vin,

It was me and my buddy that you saw flying. Glad you enjoyed the show! I've been flying since May and use a field a couple of miles from Middleton Tyas. I started flying after seeing a couple of Paramotors flying over head. I was fascinated and jumped on my bike and followed them back to their landing site. They stayed up over an hour so I was pretty knackered by the time I found them! They were great guys and took me under their wing (!) and pointed me in the direction of Paul Haxby for some training. After some good instruction and a bit of luck with the weather I was flying solo a few weeks later. Paul advised me on what gear to buy and sourced some second hand kit for me and I've been on a steep learning curve ever since! If you're in the position to learn, don't think about it, do it!

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You really can't go wrong with Alan at Hull Aero. He is a fantastic guy, very helpful and extremely knowledgeable. He and his colleague, Paul Martin have 7 sites all over Yorkshire (including Hull, York and Huddersfield) plus a very active club. The most impressive facilities are at Leven, were the British Open championships have been held over the past few years. I would recommend him to anyone in Yorkshire interested in Paramotoring.


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