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reserve on rad


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hi all,went to the flyin at the weekend i had a great larf especialy the bit with the hottub and the land lady, very funny simon.anyhow anyone know the best place to fit a reserve on a rad harness?after my experiance on saterday i feel it a bit silly not having one even if its just a confidence thing, i just need to no my options on fitting.


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What experience on Saturday? did someone have a dodgy moment? (apart from the hot tub, though I'm not sure how a reserve would of helped)

personally I would never fly without a reserve, you never know what might happen, you can't control everything. Just so this post isn't completely unhelpful - I use a front mount container that also doubles as my flight deck, It hangs off the Krabs that connect the wing just like a normal flight deck. I like it as the reserve handle can be grabbed by either hand and would be easy to locate and pull. (if Kenneth Williams had said that that there would definitely be an "oooh matron" at the end)


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Its not a good flight unless you soil yourself at least once!!

The front mount just routes to the right and up through the velcro on the harness and up to the shoulder straps then connects via the attachment points (attachment points are under the velcro on the shoulder straps, Sup Air harness) I am presuming that the harness on the RAD has attachment points for a reserve on the harness shoulder straps. As an extra measure I have a small piece of velcro to hold some of the slack on to the weight shift bar. Only thing to be carefull with is that when the speed bar is connected that the line goes under the reserve bridal, otherwise if you deployed the reserve would pick up the speed system and could tangle or pull you sideways. I will get some pics next time I have the motor out.


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