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Cocky Mistakes cost.... :-(


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It had to happen I suppose, yesterday while spot landing on a bridle way (being cocky) my lovely new wing drooped itself over a barbed wire fence.

Arse and poo.

My new wing now has small repair, but its still Ace!

just a bit like dinking a new car I suppose..


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I managed to completely ruin 3 cells on a new wing just ground handling on a pebble beach. A few pebbles managed to get into the wing. They were large enough to act as an abrasive when I brought the wing down onto the pebble beach, but not heavy enough to stop the wing from launching. I kept practicing for a couple of hours, blissfully unaware of what was going on. When I was packing up, I noticed literally hundreds of pin sized holes on 3 wing tip cells. Aerofix changed the 3 wing tip cells, and they did such a good job that I now cant identify which side was damaged. It was an expensive lesson for me. My ground handling is now shite from lack of regular practice. I'll have to bite the bullet and get started on it again.

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