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Headset alternative?


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I was at Goodwood FOS and decided to have a cast done for the Jelly earplugs. Brilliant for the bike etc. I knew they also do them with built in drivers and was going to get them as well for the iPod. However, they had a new prototype which the police and Renault F1 team are trying. These have drivers to hear radio, etc. AND microphones to pick up voice in the ear canal (?) Apparently they work very well. The Renualt test drivers could communicate but still had some low frequency noise but they are in 120db enviroment.

I mentioned the possible use in our sport and they will get back to me with a possible solution using a connection box to patch in radios, MP3, etc.

The expected cost including cast is likely to be £250. Not cheap but excellent noise reduction, comfort and minimum kit/bulk.

I'll update this when I have more news.


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These are 'jawbone' microphones. My experience with a version of them has been ok but not great. also fairly fragile.

On a side note, I have also made up some diy custom earpieces using clear silicon. I coated my lug liberally with vaseline, plugged the ear canal with something I could get back out again then put one of those outer ear, hang in yer tab type earphones in place. Then I squirted some silicon round the whole lot.

You then sit around being deaf for a couple of hours till the silicon has 'gone off' enough to form a good skin, then with some jaw wiggling and ear massaging the whole lot can be persuaded to pop out.

It then takes a couple of days to go completely solid, but you are left with a completely custom fitted earphone that keeps out nearly all ambient noise. I use mine on track days on the motorbike.

Even with the vaseline it does dry out the skin round your ear, and you also pull out a multitude of tiny hairs when you remove it.

On top of that, I would never EVER suggest that anyone else be so completely stupid and reckless (not to mention tight fisted) as me, and repeat this. NO SIRREEE BUD!

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Phil P,

I have some contacts in china, why not lets go halfers and make another set up, send um out to China and get a quote / sample made up.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately I was only at the FOS on Friday and nearly bought something at the auction. Gusiness bar was rather magnetic. Where abouts were you based?

Nearly went solo on Wed but ran out of time (airfield curfew). Hopefully weather will hold this week!?!?!?!

Weather and work has truly slowed things up but hope to be able to fly with some members this year.

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