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Posts posted by wingsJ

  1. I'm looking at getting started in PPG now that i finally should have some free time again. I found a place offering a Simonini engine and the Powered Atlas for $8400 including shipping, tax, and unlimited training. I just wanted to get some experienced peoples opinion on this setup and price. I have flight experience in a few small fixed wing aircraft, including high performance and acrobatic aircraft so the lure of being able to just take off whenever and wherever (within reason) i want is to appealing to pass up. Any info, tips, etc would be much appreciated.

  2. I recently discovered the world of PPG and as an enthusiast of flying in all its forms this has definitely hit a sweet spot with me. I've already located a school near where I live (closest one is about 3 hours) and I plan to start lessons in a month or two. However in the meantime I want to do as much research as I can on equipment and techniques so that I have a better understanding of everything when I do get to start training. I've only skydived once and that was a tandem introduction jump so I really have very little understanding of parachutes per-say. However, I do have a very firm understanding of airfoils and how they work. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction to better understand the wings used for PPG and how they connect to the harness and whats good/bad/etc. Also what motors and wings I should be looking into more and what exactly I need to be looking for in them (DHV 1 or 1-2 in a wing from what I understand). Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    *edit: i'm 200 lbs, 5'10" and in pretty good physical shape (not sure if that last part makes much of a difference)

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