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Posts posted by leonr

  1. Ok cheers for the info guys! :)

    No you are right ive never been near one! The idea just appealed to me and I wasnt really sure at all what was involved.

    I've read a few FAQ's and they didn't quite answer my questions.

    I assume you do not need to pass any medical? Or do you need to pass a medical/get doctors note for *proper* training?

    Don't worry im not irresponsible, I understand that flying is not somthing you want to mess about with until you fully understand all likely situations and how to deal with them.

    Thanks again people!

  2. Hi!

    Thanks for your help and time!

    That has made it a be clearer, and I agree you must be resonsible and make very mature and realistic decisions when it comes to safety taking a passenger etc.

    So if you are a confident paramotor pilot , could you just buy a tandem style setup and take up anybody such as a friend? Obviously insurance etc is a issue. Im mainly curious on where the limitations are.

    Knowing me I will be back to ask more questions! lol


  3. Hi!

    First post, so be easy on me, im sure the question has been asked before, but in different ways.

    I understand the law in the following way :-

    Anybody can fly a paramotor with no license (training recommened).

    Carrying a passenger DOES require a license?

    Now, this is what confuses me... why do you need a license to carry another adult? As surely they could be the pilot just as much as you could?

    Reason im asking is because somtimes people fall into medical categories which stops them obtaining microlight license to carry passengers... (i assume thats what you need?)

    Im confused on the whole issue... Is it for insurance reasons you cant carry a passenger? Weight restriction?

    Cheers people :)

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