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Posts posted by Lloyd

  1. After a bit of searching on the interweb as to what certifications you need to PPG, i was left a bit confused as to what was needed? I know tution and training is a must, but am i right in thinking that you dont need a license or anything of the equivelant to fly PPG? With PG you get Elementary and Club Pilot do you get the same with PPG and is it recognised by the BHPA? :?

  2. I understand the revolution has a wide weight range to accomodate for both the pilot and motor, but if for instance i wanted a zulu what weight range would be best to go for? I weigh about 80kg's and i think a small goes from 70 - 90 and a medium 85 - 105. If i was to get this wing for paragliding and MAYBE motoring which one would you guys say would be the best?

  3. Ha ha no thats not me, i work for quite a large reputable outboard manufacturer as the service rep for the UK and Ireland, not going to mention names as not really keen on mixing work with pleasure :wink:

    I weigh 80kg's or about 12 stone? Just looking for something of decent workmanship and that doesnt struggle to get me off the ground.

  4. Thanks everyone i really appreciate your opinions and advice, after a bit of thinking i think im gonna go for the buying kit option first as from previous experiences theres nothing worse than doing the training and NOT having the kit especially on a nice summer weekend! The next important thing as some of you wise ones have said is to buy the right kit because aobviously there are going to be the wrong and right brands to buy? When it comes to motors luckly i have some technical experience behind me with small high revving engines, as i deal with outboard engines for a living, so i know sort of what quality's to look for. I know paromotors are different but im sure they work on very similar principals and but a bit of technical experience will help with maintainance and etc?

    But again not having experience with the sport which motors do i look out for that are of good quality and reliability? I have a vague idea on which to look out for gliders ?!

    Anyway for now il keep my eye out!!

  5. Would you in your personal opinion be more inclined to stick to a paramotoring wing for powered flight and same with paragliding wing for free flight or do you think a wing for both would be best, this is of course if someone could afford both?

    In other words two wings, one for each type of flight or one for both, a hybrid wing maybe(Excuse wording).

    But im guessing people probably end up going for one or the other ... paramotoring or paragliding

  6. Hmmm thanks, thats got me thinking, for now just getting off the ground and gaining some decent altitude will make me happy! Unfortunately you guys must get these sort of questions all the time from us newbies. I spose you have to choose one or the other, im very tempted to buy the gear first as i know for sure im going to enjoy the sport and carry on with it, if i train with Flight Culture it states on there website that you use your own gear and again this is the reason why i would like to get in touch with more flyers as they have their different experiences and opinions? So its a bit of a gamble if you buy your kit first as i spose you dont know what you want till youre up there?! :roll:

  7. Hi Everyone,

    New to the paramotoring/paragliding scene, started my tution back home in Zimbabwe but was cut short due to local political sitautions (im sure youve all heard about) arising and had to leave rapidly.

    Anyway after settling and sorting myself out im quite keen to get back into flying and completing my tution. My main goal is to get into paramotoring as the idea of not letting the weather get in your way(to a degree) appeals to me!

    I would really like to get into contact with local flyers and decent schools in the Poole/Swanage, Dorset Area. Any advice would be much appreciated! :)

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