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Posts posted by ravenx

  1. I'm new to this Paramotoring lark ad I'm still at the winch and ground handling stage. I have a field right outside my house and that was going to be my launch site. However, while ground handling with a very old glider I bought of the auction site I noticed the odd cow "deposit", then more, then more and more etc etc.

    Now it wasn't a complete surprise to me there would be some, after all, there had been cows but the sheer amount was what surprised me. The problem I now have is that my chosen field might not be my chosen field after all.

    This is going to sound like a really stupid question but does anyone else launch from fields that have had cattle in them and if so is there a solution to my problem, does it harm the wing (makes a stain ans makes it smell I know). I think I know the answer - "find another field" but the bloody heffers are practically every field for miles around.

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