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Posts posted by Flyingmonkey

  1. Bought one of these fellas a few weeks ago...

    One snag. There is no direct feed to a telly through an RGB but if you take the card out and bung it in a reader, then you get around the 1.1 snag with USB. I will try to attach a couple of short clips to give you an idea of the quality.

    I Figured that whilst being covered in rubber I don't think I'll be overly worried about a camera if I'm going splat too.

    Pics are relatively good - see tank killing the wifes plant pot -


    Flying monkey...

  2. Gilo and Bear... Went round to a friends house to explain what was going on at airtime. Couldn't. Got back to my folks place for the evening. More questions - I made them Sky+ it...

    How much poetic licence did you have to put up with the narrative in order to keep sponsors happy?? Can I have a parajet please (only a small one), What happened with the S charger? Was it pure O2 or a helox mix or summat - Can't remember what the old fool thought it might be!!

    On the subject though, If you have got a spare parajet lying about....

    Knew the result a long old while ago, but you must still be chuffed to £u@k that a bit of your kit could do that. Well done boys, and I hope that the programme does wonders for your sport and livelihoods

    Kindest Regards

    FM. :lol:

    All the best with the Little'un. May your days be airborne and your nights be helped by sudafed.

  3. I would swap it for 'my' map and a 'magnetic' compass.

    SW :D


    I'm lucky enough to have enough 'tin kit' to last anyone a lifetime. If you fancy a bit of nightflying then let me know... All I'm after is a bit of advice, I'd rather not blow a load of cash on something I know nothing about.

    All in one, or separates??? Suunto as a watch or PC GPS or frontal lobotomy? Can't decide (through total lack of advice) Any help.....

    Thank you

    FM :)

  4. Thought about the old Helmet Cam - Firebox are doing a nifty little bit of kit for just under a ton which records to Flash. but pics look a bit shoddy from what I can see.

    If anyone out there has any PSP knowledge I'd love to hear - Argos are now advertising the GPS attatchment, and with the Go! Camera that could be a total suite. -Bit scared that the GPS software might be a bit Mickey Mouse though.

    Any thoughts?? :?::?::?::?:

  5. OK, Sticky situation at the moment... Want to buy stuff. As a newbie (if you are not I'd rather listen to you) what would you go for first?

    Must be hardware. (Aunt doesn't want to kill me)

    Needs to be kinda computery (to keep Uncle happy)

    Imagine you had been given £1000 to spend on a flight deck.... What would you do???

    Help Please..

    Kind Regards

    Flying Monkey

  6. Have had the pee taken by Norman already, but the reality of the matter is... Where do old wings go to die?? -Is one that is no longer airworthy still ground-handling-worthy?? I don't know, you guys do.

    What seemed to be a really welcoming forum has already got a bit pprune-ish with me. Apologies for any offence, I just want to get back in the air without treading on any toes. Apologies for sounding a little gruff, but if you can help, brilliant, I can always swap you a few hours inside a PA-28 Arrow ®, if not, then enjoy your sport. Would love to be a part of it but I have had enough of people not playing the game.. SW and Norman, over to you............... :idea: Maybe we could work things out.??

  7. Hi All, just thought I should say hello on the Newbie'rum'. Looking to get into this 'sport' as soon as possible, and would love to chat to anyone who has anything helpful to say (or can recommend a good local beer). I have absolutely no experience of flying through the medium of nylon and paracord (or an engine on your back!!) so anything you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    Sport was in commas above not to take the pi$$ but because more than that, it appears to be a lifestyle choice!.

    Thank you,


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