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Posts posted by nateglatz

  1. Disclaimer: I have never flown a paramotor and know almost nothing about them.

    It's come that time in every son's life to clean out his father's garage. In so doing I found an older model paramotor with what seems to be all the trimmings.

    There is the engine apparatus, a second seat/fuel tank thing, a couple propellers, a propeller cage/housing, a trike, a bag with a parachute in it, a helmet, some paperwork, a manual, and that's about it. The paperwork says my Pop purchased it new in October 2001 from Paramotor Inc up in Oyster Bay, NY.

    Family lore has it that after buying it he took it out to Colorado where his flight instructor put a 1/2 hour on it and then the weather turned horrible the whole rest of the week. It went in the garage and never came out since. My Pop never flew it.

    The rubber hoses, air filter, plastic fuel lines, and trike tires all need replacing from age/dry rot. Light rust on the exhaust. Otherwise everything seems to be in very good condition. Motor says Zanzottera on it. The only other name I found on it at first survey was Paramotor.

    My question to you, if you have the patience and inclination to answer, is if this is worth selling? What's the best way to go about that, eBay? I guess it would have to be put on a pallet and shipped via freight. I don't really want to go through the trouble if it's not worth my time.


    Thank you for your time and attention.



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