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Posts posted by elmariachi

  1. HI ,

    very interesting read indeed.

    99% of stuff we use today is made in china. Starting from shoes, like nike and up to almost all mechanical and IT stuff.

    I have been on several peace keeping missions on Balkans. I have not seen bigger illegal market than in Kosovo. Big, i mean really big markets through several floors full of stuff made in china and clearly not legal. Armani suits for 50 EUR. I haven`t seen such a big display of nike shoes as i did there. Probably came out from the same factory where originals but in "night shift".

    I did buy some jackets there and they have lasted for 3 years now with no worries. China is not equal to crap.

    Marketing and selling is very delicate business, you have to be able to balance on the limits which are considered accaptable by buyers and that is the whole trick. It is like running an governement - the taxes must be exactly so high that to keep you alive but you can`t get rich with honest work. The same thing is with wings or any products, the price is exactly as high as we are willing to pay or as high as is tolerable. Probaby the fair price for the wing is really 700 EUR as mentioned in early posts or even less. Also an company produces wings can not cover the development costs with their first ten wings, meaning that 2500 is well over priced.

    But the same as you i am going with the flow and buy the original stuff for 2,5k rahther than chines uncertified. And this is the dead end- factorys tell the price and you pay.



  2. hi,

    I had or have the same problem. But seems to me that different props have different attitude. With my old prop the torque problem was minor, then i broke this prop and bought a new one. The first flight felt so so different and was exactly what you said - feeling off course, in my case about 10deg. I double checked during flight that some of the straps might have come loose, so different was the feeling.

    So what i think is that the prop (shape, pitch) might be the one to consider.

    Also would you let me know did the different strap setting on the right and left helped.



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