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Pink Fliyd

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Posts posted by Pink Fliyd

  1.   Does anyone know where I could get the line lengths for my ozone spyder 3? You'd think Ozone would list them but I find when they describe the lines/risers, they print a note that reads: line lengths can be found online. But does not say where online.

  2. I've got several liters of  Aspen 2 in tank on my  Moster 185. Pry a dumb question but I'm new to these fuel types. Is there any possible problems with topping off the tank with 91 octane+oil mix? Considering the Alkylate type fuel is different than pump fuel. 

  3. So I just finished a phase of the ground break in and noticed a leak at the 2nd joint. A little bit of light gray soot. I'm thinking this isn't standard and I don't want to break it down without the wire kit. Anyone experience something similar or have any thoughts? I'm pretty green with the sport but find it hard to believe this is just nothing. I used Aspen 2 fuel.

  4. So I just finished a phase of the ground break in and noticed a leak at the 2nd joint. A little bit of light gray soot. I'm thinking this isn't standard and I don't want to break it down without the wire kit. Anyone experience something similar or have any thoughts? I'm pretty green with the sport but find it hard to believe this is just nothing. I used Aspen 2 fuel.

  5. Anyone ever use Aspen 2 premix for the Moster 185? I got a brand new one and need to do a break in. I wanted to treat this engine with some fly love. Been reading about Aspen fuels and was curious if anyone had any experience with it.

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