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I'm looking to start training soon (as soon as I can raise the money) and was hoping that people could let me know what they found was the best clothing to wear for their training?

I've got all sorts of outdoor clothing, but I think it might get a bit bulky.

What would everyone recommend?

I'm not looking to spend a lot on kit yet, as am having to save pretty hard for the training, but if there is something superb, at a reasonable cost, that I will find really useful then I might be able to make an investment (or put it on the christmas list!)

Looking forward to all your suggestions.

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For training just use what kit you have got at the present. If it gets cold just put on more thinner layers.

If you are training you will soon get warmed up, it's a lot more physical until you get the technique right, and then it seems easier (and less knackering).

Make sure you've got some good boots that offer ankle support.

Cheers, Alan

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For training just use what kit you have got at the present. If it gets cold just put on more thinner layers.

If you are training you will soon get warmed up, it's a lot more physical until you get the technique right, and then it seems easier (and less knackering).

Make sure you've got some good boots that offer ankle support.

Cheers, Alan

as above with the ankle support, saw someone snap an ankle recently due to flaring too high and coming down hard.

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