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Any pilots or clubs East of Paris?

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I'd like to do some flying in France in the next few months. I'll be based about 30 minutes east of Paris. I know a lot of French airspace is open to PPGs up to FL195 but am concerned about the restricted airspace around Paris. Any members or visitors know of any clubs or PPG pilots in the area that I could meet up with, have a chat with and perhaps fly with? Would be a great help.



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Hi Dominic,

Here's a list of clubs east of Paris that include PPG:

Fly in Paris

Route De Mouzon-Verdun

Aerodrome 08140 Douzy


Altitude 10000

Aerodrome De Romilly Bat ULM Air

Champagne - Rue Pierre Semard

10100 Romilly Sur Seine

Bulles D'Air 51

Aerodrome D'Epernay

51150 Plivot


Bouzy ULM Club

Les Gelignes

51150 Bouzy

Azur Paramoteur

23 Rue Du General De Gaulle

51400 Sept Saulx


Stick the @ in the right place for the e-mail addresses.

Let us know how you get on 8)

Bon vol, Alan

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Thanks Christian. I originally tried to contact two (nearby) ULM clubs via the website you mention, but the first said that I couldn't fly with them and the second just didn't reply. I suspect they were strictly light aircraft and microlight clubs. I know a few in the UK that are the same.

I checked out Alan's list (thanks Alan) but these are all 2-3 hours away (most are around Reims. Perhaps I should been more specific and mentioned that I'll be in Meaux, just 30 minutes east of Paris.

I have tracked down a PPG club about 40 minutes away and have e-mailed them. I'll keep looking and will post if I find a friendly (welcoming) club in the area.


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