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Ozone Speedster


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Take off Tips please

I have been flying the Speedster for a number of months now and am still getting a slight forwards / backwards rocking motion on the wing during the start of my take off run. I am trying to feather in the speed gently and increase my take off run at a steady rate but am still feeling the wing surging and dropping back above my head, it doesn't effected the take off as it is only on the initial part of the run and by the time I am leaving the ground it is flying smoothly.

I have tried different trim settings and also going balls out on the throttle from the start but i'm still getting this annoying oscillation.

It's more noticeable on a forwards nil wind launch but It does still happens on windier reverse launches.

It's not something that Iv'e experienced with any of the other wings Iv'e flown and not something that is causing any problems but it's just a bit annoying.

Does anyone have any tips or different techniques that they use? does anyone have the same problems?

Many thanks


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Thanks for the reply Morgy

But... I am getting the same thing happen even if I reverse launch, wing rock solid over my head turn and start the take off run and I still get the same initial rocking back and forward motion, only happens for a short few steps but I would like to try and stop it.

A friend has taken some footage of it happening, I'll try and get hold of it and post it on here.

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Not sure like i said best if you have some footage of whats going on. It could be allot of things or just one... If you dont brake the surge enough it will over shoot a little and on the other hand you could be pulling the brake on a little and the wing could be hanging back.

I have had it once or twice where my take off was not great.. I either paused for a sec or didn't catch the fast launch the Speedster can do.

Post up the Video when you have some time..

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