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paramotor training in devon


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Not sure there is much going on in Devon. We're mostly free flyers that converted ourselves. I personally took a trip to Spain and paid about £600 . That gave me 3 short flights totalling less than 10 mins airtime. My free flying training holiday in the Alps yielded 45 mins on my second ever flight. Based on that, I would recommend Graham Phypps in Cornwall. Very talented chap they tell me.

ps. I've left my number in your inbox if you need it

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Not a lot going on in Devon? Dave I'm insulted. We have got 10 members and counting, (any reason why you are not one?) and are getting more and more sites all the time. There has never been a better time to be getting in to paramotoring in our area. For a newbie having a club environment really helps, there is always help and advice, on flying, kit to buy and set up i.e hang test, safety procedures, and access to all our club sites. Even just having people there to support you on your first launch is a big help.

Phippsy is who i did my training with, and not only is he a really nice bloke but is a very good teacher, you would be in safe hands. Although like Dave said most of our members are self taught free flyers.

Go to the devon and cornwall paramotoring club website and join up, your welcome to come along the next time we go out to check out the kit and see what its all about.

Hope to hear from you soon.


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Malin. My apologies. I didn't know you had an instructor amongst you. Let me know if that's right because I have been asked more than once, where to get instruction in Devon.

As for the club atmosphere, I totally agree. I belong to the Devon and Somerset Condors. Primarily freeflyers but about 6 PPG pilots mixed in. Great for the annual photo comp. They know when it's a PPG photo :o) We make sure it's a shot they couldn't get without a motor. Just to keep that small amount of jealousy running !

Be great to meet up soon and fly. Thanks for the invite.


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Phippsy of Cloud 9 cornwall is a great option. He will teach you to fly using a winch system first then a motor. Phippsy has been teaching flying for over 30 years. I trained with him last year. you can reach his 20 acre training site in under 2 hours from exeter. If the weather is fine and wind 10 mph or less you will find them in the training field most days of the week and weekends.

You will have a great time !.


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Sorry Dave i didn't read the post properly and thought you were just talking about paramotoring in general and not just training.

As Beelands said Phippsys the man around here.

Four of our club members got together for a flight from one of our sites called Liverton at the weekend, They were flying over Haytor and the surrounding area with one of the guys flying down from Exeter to meet them. A good day had by all (apart from me, stuck on a train to london!)

Could you mention to the Condor boys about the club, we (south devon paragliding club) had a talk at the last club meeting about it, just to raise awareness.

Yeah it would be good to meet up and fly, we have a group email for members to spread the word about flying plans, (you probably have something similar with the Condors) but ill try and post on here when i know when we are next going out.


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  • 5 years later...

hello,   I'm from Devon and id love to start paramotoring.   ive flown light aircraft before but ive never been paramotoring.   would any one have any tips on how i can start, what kind of training i need and what kits good and what kit to stay away from?    any help much appreciated. thank s 

Edited by samtheflyingmonkey
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