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Can you fly an RC heli (well) ?

Do you want a trip to NZ next week and be paid £1500 for two days work?

I need someone to go to NZ with our Spidi cam (Octocopter) system and film the World Helicopter Challenge for Red Bull.

Its a 10 day gig with 2 days work, the remaining 8 days will be spent with a group of millionaire's from the Red Bull crowd who have promised a good time in the down time... (I have been entertained by some of these people before and its mind blowing I can assure you!)

Calls needed ASAP 07983 428 453


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Hi Simon! This is Cesar (Edson's brother). I may have the right person for the job. I just don't know if he is going to be available. I just sent him a text message to get in touch with me urgently so I can explain what it is. In case he is interested, I will put him in contact with you. Take care!

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Some things are more important than work,............ :? its a 22 + hour flight so I am willing to have a go at learning to fly a copter on an Ipad simulator I usually pick up things pretty quick :P or ive got a mate with a microlight who could film and we could pretend it was filmed from a radio controlled helicopter :twisted: NZ is always worth going to even in the winter....(which is often better than our summer) :shock:

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