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Q: When is a trike not a trike?


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A: when its a foot launch trike!

From what i can make out if a trike could be launched on foot but you use the wheels to land you are within the law, is this correct.

From what i can make out after talking to the CAA, even though they couldn't quite understand why you wouldn't use the wheels if you had them. I told them that the wheels were used for landing to save damage to props, cage and legs etc but you would use foot launch to keep within the law.

At this point the nice man at the CAA went a bit squidgy with his answers and told me to approach the technical department to get a definitive answer.

I just thought i'd see what the general consensus is before i go down this route and open a can of worms.

I personally am of the point of view that foot launch means foot launch and so long as i foot launch then i'm legal. :acro:

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