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PMC Spring fly-in where???


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This is a shout out to anyone who a) would like to host a PMC fly-in (which I will arrange, so no hassle there) and B) has a site large enough and friendly enough for us to have a Spring Fly-in. :-)

I want to try and move around the UK a little more with the fly-ins and events so somewhere up tut north would be great. I am sure we can do a mass arrival from the South.

I would like to hold at least 5 fly-in's and 2-3 weekend 'events' so the more options for sites the better.


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This has been on my mind for a while and i intend to approach our landowner on the subject next time i go flying (whenever that will be.. :roll: )

We are quite country central for everybody and easily accesed from M6 J18

An hour north of brum and an hour south of blackpool.

We could do with one up your way not had one up north :D

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This has been on my mind for a while and i intend to approach our landowner on the subject next time i go flying (whenever that will be.. :roll: )

We are quite country central for everybody and easily accesed from M6 J18

An hour north of brum and an hour south of blackpool.

Hi, is this a club ?

I live in Cannock would like to meet up if your open to new people coming along.


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Hi Meds,

I have tried to PM you (currently in bar in Aberdeen train station) but not sure if it has sent. I get over to Market Drayton once a month. Would be great to bring my gear and go for a buzz one evening when the days are longer. I can't fly near Market Drayton due to RAF Tern Hill. How far are you from Market Draton ?

Happy New Year

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