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Have I got it wrong


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Because its no longer foot-launched you need the same licence as flying a SSDR microlight. That will also include wing registration marks.


The pilot must be in possession of a valid NPPL M (Microlight) licence

The National Private Pilots License (NPPL) has been available since July 2002. The responsibility for dealing with the NPPL M (Microlight) customer enquiries rests with the British Microlight Aircraft Association (BMAA). The NPPL is a sub-ICAO licence and therefore is restricted for use in G- registered aircraft within UK airspace in VFR conditions. The NPPL M is issued with lifetime validity and the minimum age for applicants is 17 years old. 

The licence cannot be used for any income- earning use, except instructing. The medical requirements for the NPPL will be similar to current microlight practice; sign-off by your own GP to a standard equivalent to the DVLA's Group 1 or 2 (private or professional driver) standards. For More information look at the NPPL website here 


NPPL M syllabus here 

http://www.nppl.uk.com/Syllabus/NPPL%20 ... on%202.pdf

If I'm wrong I'm sure the rest of the guys can get you the right info.


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foot lauched trike therfore not regulated ? i though that if you can prove that you can take off with your feet all is good as its still comes under ppg {fla} and in the book of definitive wisdom it states you cant take off with wheels but you can land with them ? im confused :|

[youtubevideo]foot launch paratrike Gofly Revolution Paratrike Quixo sky 100[/youtubevideo]

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foot lauched trike therfore not regulated ? i though that if you can prove that you can take off with your feet all is good as its still comes under ppg {fla} and in the book of definitive wisdom it states you cant take off with wheels but you can land with them ? im confused :|

[youtubevideo]foot launch paratrike Gofly Revolution Paratrike Quixo sky 100[/youtubevideo]

but i don't think that type of foot-launched trike is the one advertised in the initial post.

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I asked the Ebay seller the question That How can you sell this paramotor trike saying that you dont need a licence to use it when infact you do...... and this is his answer :?

Correct, but with this mini trike its possible to take off

as a traditional foot launch therefore not requiring a nppl, and if it can

be proved that it can be done and videoed (which we have done) then the

regulation stands as a standard FLA (foot launch aircraft) we ran this by

the CAA complete with video and they accepted all the above

I think I would like to see the video that he goes on about...... :shock:

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theres a lot of "i think" and "maybe" going on but no definitive answer of YES or NO

if it is a loop hole in the law of trikes then why attack it or the seller ? surely it opens the paramotoring world up to others that would not normally be able bodied enough to perhaps land heavy or fast. and if they say that theres a video and letter why ridicule it ? a little childish and bitchy i think.

it makes me laugh when people put the caa link on a thread like they know whats printed on all the masses of pages

i personally know two pilots that would love a trike that you can foot launch and then land on wheels due to them having previous knee injury's that cannot sustain any type of heavy impact without been in pain for the rest of the day.

and as simon once said

"wise words from my farther"

most people attack things because they don't understand or are afraid of them

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here is a short but informative piece from the Bailey website ref trikes and legal requirements. Has links to larger CAA documents for more info.

http://www.baileyaviation.com/TO%20DOWN ... %20pdf.pdf


I still dont think this is the full story as the way I read the above link it was using the trike to take off using the wheels.

It does not talk about foot launching a trike. And landing on the wheels.

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Before I started PPG I flew a powered hanglider. It was / still is, a solo 210 on a trike with wheels of course. I made a harness to try and see If I could foot launch it which was impossible. I did this because I had met a CAA chap during an inspection at the Cornwall air ambulance base. He made a call to somone in the know and at that time the following stood:

If you can foot launch from a flat level field in <5mph wind it is then a foot launched machine (you have to evidence it if asked) even if you use wheels to launch and land, therefore no need for PPL M etc. This was in about 2004/2005.

There we have it: thats good enough for me.

I also asked the CAA inspector out of interest what would happen if someone was flying an ultralite / microlite without license. He said probably not a lot, he might have his machine confiscated and scrapped!!!! :shock: I think he had a good idea what I was up to.


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