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I am out of this sport before I start

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Sod this, I was seriously considering getting into this sport. It seems

That it's just as dangerous as having a motorbike, I cannot risk having a broken ankle, back, leg or even worse.

Seems it's pure pot luck if your wing collapses or you get problems due to rotor or other landing issues.

Think I will stick with my fixed wing flying, yes accidents do happen even with fixed wing aircraft, however with over 12 club aircraft where I fly there has not been an injury in over 8 years, and I am talking 500 landings and take offs a day.

If I get injured which seems likely I will be not be happy having no income as I am self employed, no work no pay.

It's a pity I really liked the idea, but after seeing so much on you tube I have been put off

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I know what you mean my wife whilst helping me to launch broke a nail trying to start my engine f@#k there hell to pay now

Pmsl :-)

Sod this, I was seriously considering getting into this sport. It seems

That it's just as dangerous as having a motorbike, I cannot risk having a broken ankle, back, leg or even worse.

Seems it's pure pot luck if your wing collapses or you get problems due to rotor or other landing issues.

Think I will stick with my fixed wing flying, yes accidents do happen even with fixed wing aircraft, however with over 12 club aircraft where I fly there has not been an injury in over 8 years, and I am talking 500 landings and take offs a day.

If I get injured which seems likely I will be not be happy having no income as I am self employed, no work no pay.

It's a pity I really liked the idea, but after seeing so much on you tube I have been put off

It's a great shame you seem to have the totally wrong opinion of our sport, paramotoring is like any other "extreme" sport, as safe as YOU make it. Done in a responsible manner paramotoring is the safest form of personal aviation FACT!!

Tom :-)

P.s is that 500 per day for the twelve planes!? Seems rather high to me.

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remember to look left and right before crossing the road...... :?

dont walk under any ladders :cry:

D I Y is also an accident just waiting to happen :oops:

dont even think of rock climbing :x

Skiing Oh my god are you trying to kill yourself :roll:

Its much better/safer to stay sat in front of a computer watching youtube.....

Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well- preserved body But rather to skid in sideways, covered in scars body thoroughly used up worn out and screaming YAHOO What a ride :P:P


Stay safe :wink:

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Extreme sport!

If you consider how may GA pilots are active and how many accidents happen compared with PPG pilots, I think you will see it is a high risk sport relative to the numbers flying.

I understand risk is everywhere around us, but the risk is again related to your input.

I can decide to wait to cross the road until it's safe, whereas if your 2000 feet up you don't have much choice, even if you throw a reserve it's pot luck if you break your back on a landing, looking at reserve speeds average 5ms that is very fast indeed, and landing with 30kg on your back, your in the lap of the gods.

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Ive just typed the words plane crash into You tubes search bar :shock:

there is just so much choice......

in one of them I saw somebody jump out of a crashing plane and he landed safely the reason.... he had a parachute and it filled with air to slow his journey to earth who would have thought of such a thing


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Sod this, I was seriously considering getting into this sport. It seems

That it's just as dangerous as having a motorbike, I cannot risk having a broken ankle, back, leg or even worse.

Seems it's pure pot luck if your wing collapses or you get problems due to rotor or other landing issues.

Think I will stick with my fixed wing flying, yes accidents do happen even with fixed wing aircraft, however with over 12 club aircraft where I fly there has not been an injury in over 8 years, and I am talking 500 landings and take offs a day.

If I get injured which seems likely I will be not be happy having no income as I am self employed, no work no pay.

It's a pity I really liked the idea, but after seeing so much on you tube I have been put off

I think you have talked yourself out PPG without any help from members of this forum, It would appear to me that your mind was made up before you posted. That's a shame really because you should have a go before you condemn the sport, flying in any form can be dangerous you must have known that before you took up microlighting, but you still went a did it.

Just my two pence worth!!

Dave (Also a Microlighter, fixed wing and flex, PPL for 36 years)

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Francis was trying a bit too hard to spot land with a tight turn. Pilot error,as most incidents are.

Sorry this has put you off but thanks for the empty bit of sky you've left for us to use. I think the stats are pretty good, for PPG, but room for improvement. As you observed, motorbikes are dangerous. Most things can be a loaded gun in the wrong hands. Very few PPG's have fallen out of the sky through pure bad luck or freak conditions.


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I missed 10 days flying this month due to a slipped disc - moving a washing machine to mend a pipe !! As soon as I could balance the pain with ibuprofen and a back brace I was back in the air. (On the plus side I'm seeing a young blonde chiropractor who is bloody gorgeous !!) :D

2 years ago I broke my big toe - pushing a heavy trolley round a supermarket in open toed sandals !! Had to pull the broken nail out with pliers so I could go free flying in the Alps 3 days later .... :shock:

In several years of flying I've only suffered one sprained ankle (painful, but no worse than you might get from a walk in the countryside or playing football) so statistically PG / PPG flying is less risky than walking, shopping or housework ! :mrgreen::roll:

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I actually feel safer paramotoring than I did in the flexwing because if the sh*t really hits the fan, I've always got a second chance in the form of my reserve, something that 99% of microlight pilots don't have.

Safety is all down to knowledge of the conditions, the aircraft and your limitations. I would agree there are hidden dangers in running across a farmers field though.

Finally you have to ask yourself why are the number of pilots in the sport of paramotoring (no more an extreme sport than microlighting IMHO) growing week on week, when the numbers in microlighting are falling? Answer, because it's more fun!


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To dangerous my arse... If you use you tube a guide to anything then your as dum as they come... If i did that i would give up everything i do... In fact i think i might have our dog put down as one day she might bite me :roll:

And as Simonn said TROLL.....

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Troll (Internet)

"What is a troll?".

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted". While the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels subjective, with trolling describing intentionally provocative actions outside of an online context. For example, mass media uses troll to describe "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families."[5][6]


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I sold my ZZR 1400 to buy my gear for this hobby!

Look up 'zzr french run' on youtube. That was usual travelling speeds across europe.... Never had a tyre blow. Now that would have been messy....

Dived to over 100mtrs, on single tanks, still here...!

I think this flying is brilliant, best thing I've done in years. And people are so willing to help the newcomers.

Good luck wherever you end up.

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To dangerous my arse... If you use you tube a guide to anything then your as dum as they come... If i did that i would give up everything i do... In fact i think i might have our dog put down as one day she might bite me :roll:

And as Simonn said TROLL.....

Dont put your dog down dude :(:(:( I wil have it :D:D:D


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To dangerous my arse... If you use you tube a guide to anything then your as dum as they come... If i did that i would give up everything i do... In fact i think i might have our dog put down as one day she might bite me :roll:

And as Simonn said TROLL.....

Dont put your dog down dude :(:(:( I wil have it :D:D:D


Be careful driving to the vets though there is a 1.3354% chance that all four wheels will simultaneously fall of just as your driving by a cliff causing a horrible hollywood style flaming death!!! You have been warned 8)

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Summat very fishy about this bloke... Deffo a troll

First he cant fly then he posts this in the Revo thread..

I'm 82kg in the buff and I fly a 26 Revo2 and I find it very fast on landing, even with trims pulled all the way in. It can be quite frightening in nil wind, when you have pulled all the brake you have and are still travelling too fast to run :shock: Funnily enough, I find nil wind, forward launche...

Then he's 82kg then 75kg soon to be 70kg... that's some mad diet for a skinny git(!)

Now the two son's statement.... My monies on ''he who shan't be named'' trolling from his sick bed :twisted:


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