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Welcome to Yorkshire!

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A warm welcome to the Yorkshire Branch!

As far as I'm aware there aren't many paramotorists in Yorkshire, in fact when i learned to Paramotor a few years back there were only three. With half of Yorkshire having the pennines running through it there seems to be an abundance of paraglidists, me being one of them, but being surrounded by acres of farmers fields i tried and took to the Motor like a duck to water although i do return to the hills occasionally.

There are a few sites i use around the HX4 area close to Halifax in the West part of Yorkshire; one great place i use often is a recreational ground which is extremely quiet with just the odd person walking their dog, which caters for all wind directions, is surrounded by fields, overlooks a golf course and is in a little village called Stainland - if you think of Emmerdale Farm you'll be quite close to the mark except there are 4 great local pubs and a restaurant all within walking distance (and the doctors surgery is quite close as well!).

Thanks for taking the time to read this and if anyone wants to join our club you're more than welcome to do so but please don't get us mixed up with the darkside (Lancashire) :lol:

If anyone needs to contact me for any reason you can get me on the following:

E-mail: Richard1910@aol.com

Mobile: 07880 565198

Or on here!



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Hi Richard,

I've already posted a newby hello so wont bore you with the edetails. I'm a hill flyer planning to start motoring so would be interested in your experiences. I was convinced when you said 'all wind directions next to a golf course' you must be talking about Brown Wardle hill at Lobden. But you said it was near Stainland. I just moved to Cheshire after 5 years living at Barkisland Mill, are you referring to Norland golf club or bradley hall?

hope to catch up soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Colin,

Welcome to the Yorkshire Branch and the sport of Paramotoring.

I'm not too familiar with Paul Haxby or AXB Sports but from what i've heard you'll be in safe professional hands.

I Hope you take up the sport, you won't regret it, out of the 18 different extreme sports i do i love Paramotoring the most! And if you're into photography what a fantastic way to get some great arial photographs of some of the best views in the UK.

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  • 6 months later...
A warm welcome to the Yorkshire Branch!

one great place i use often is a recreational ground which is extremely quiet with just the odd person walking their dog, which caters for all wind directions, is surrounded by fields, overlooks a golf course and is in a little village called Stainland - if you think of Emmerdale Farm you'll be quite close to the mark except there are 4 great local pubs and a restaurant all within walking distance (and the doctors surgery is quite close as well!).



Hey Richard I do believe the Tip to Tip boys are using your facilities right now - thanks mate !!

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They seemed to enjoyed their pie 'n' peas and Yorkshire hospitality, pitty they've run out of space on their logs, it would have been nice to see what they thought of there Yorkshire stop! I was going to fly a short stint with them but i couldn't get off the ground soon enough because of a twisted riser, by the time i'd got off the ground they where well on there way, no way was i going to catch up, although i did try!

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