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Were off again on another Paramotor Holiday. :-)

Due to the success of the last Spain trip, we are going to go there again.

Listening to peoples feedback, we needed a slightly less posh accommodation, and a flying site at the sea.


More info to come, but basic info is.... South Spain, End of Sept, Early Oct. **Places are limited** with some names already on the list.

If your interested in staying up to date, PM me your info...

I will be updating the www.paramotorholidays.org website over the next week or so.

Here was the last one!!




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Crikey!!! 5 names over night!

Guys, if your interested in this one send me a PM. It may well come down to that list if we have more interest than space.


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We are now up to 13 names!!! I know that there are people that want to go on this who have not yet PM'd me... Don't wait toooo much longer as you may end up disappointed.

This is not a case of 'the best things come to those who wait'

It's more a case of 'the best things come to those who go and get it'


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The Mountain / inland site, is 35 mins away from the accom. :-)

There are two sites, one is a beach and the other a hill. :- )

You know you want too....


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  • 2 months later...


The time has come to get your names down for this and your deposits in :-)

Its not long now until we will be leaving :-) (1st of October)

If you have any questions, please call me on 07983 428 453.

This holiday is going to be awesome!


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