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Tuesday 19 April Anyone up for a flight


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Sorry dude not going to be able to make it the top soil did not arrive till late so still have to move it...

I should be finished by the end of the week so i will be free to fly most of the time again.

How is the bailey i take it you got it fixed...

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Seems to run really well. It was the stator and pickup unit behind the flywheel that failed which is a bit odd. Paul took an hour to fix it then gave it a quick tune up and we chatted about his new projects and all the fresh parts for his new engine and I had a try with the new V5 while I was up there. It was a bit windy and so I just did quick flight around the local farmland, shutting down a few times to check out the in flight restart, which is really much easier than the pull start on any two stroke. The unit is so light for a 4 stroke . About the same as my H&E r120 and more powerful to boot. I want one.

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