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Soo smooth soo bumpy!


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Had a great flight this morning with Simon101 hugging the coast in essex with nil winds, it was one of the most enjoyable flights i have had just carving around in the smoothest of air with not a bump around.

Further along the coast we ventured over fields only a mile or so in and the difference was unbeleivable, i was getting banged and bumped all over the place and i headed back as fast as i could to smoother air.

It was still relatively early (9.30am) and surprised thermals would be that strong so early.

Does anyone like flying in bumpy stuff? im sticking to earlier mornings and later evenings!

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Thermals. I 'grew up' paragliding and now do both. This is half the fun of paramotoring for me; being able to switch the motor off and having a play in the lift, then switching it back on when I cock it up.... It can get rough though if breezy, when the prevailing wind destroys the natural thermic lift. Give it a go next time, you'll love it (saves fuel also...).


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Thermals. I 'grew up' paragliding and now do both. This is half the fun of paramotoring for me; being able to switch the motor off and having a play in the lift, then switching it back on when I cock it up.... It can get rough though if breezy, when the prevailing wind destroys the natural thermic lift. Give it a go next time, you'll love it (saves fuel also...).


Hi All. I've been trying to explain to Matt that once he gets bumped around and hurtled upwards like a rocket, pinned into his harness, he might just learn to love it!

Matt, We need a weekend away to Annecy or Chamonix to introduce you to some thermals. Just put your trimmers out....you'll be fine lol

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Point to note for those reading with less air time.

The trimmers are not a magic switch that suddenly make thermals go away. Although they do allow some amount of extra stabilization when the going gets a little rough they should not be considered as a switch that makes the bad stuff go away.

It's still there, you just can't feel it as much.

Thermal flying is great fun when your in the right frame of mind though!!

Just don't confuse bad weather with nice thermals.


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