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Man broke back in first flight on £300 eBay paraglider

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A well meaning friend sent me this... Hard to believe...


A first-time paraglider broke his back in two places after trying to fly in a machine he bought for £300 on eBay.

Roy Dixon did not take any lessons apart from looking at internet clips on YouTube, and made the mistake of tethering his paraglider to his car.

After less than a minute in the air, he fell 40ft (12.2m) and was taken from the scene near Hexham, Northumberland, by RAF helicopter to hospital.

I wonder if he will try to sue the manufacturer because the health warning had faded due to too much exposure to sunlight. :twisted:


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Several of my friends have sent it to me as well.

I'm still trying to work out what he was hoping to achieve by tethering it to his car. Its clear he wasn't using the car to tow him into the air, more as a lump on the ground to stop him getting blown away?

Just goes to show how important proper training by qualified instructors is.


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