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Paramotors Float ?

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Not sure if this has been mentioned before. I thought you would sink and drown without a life vest or the purpose made float collar like the agma.

It seems the trick is to crash only when your fuel is spent. How long will it float? What if the tank was below like everything else but the fresh breeze. Check the vid, I was surprised by how high it would sit when left on its own. or was it sitting on the bottom?

I usually pad out the supair harnesses on my motors with extra foam. Last time I did I used closed cell foam as it was lighter but it is also buoyant.


Agma test





here are some other examples.




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I wonder if a low mounted tank as fitted to most machines would hold you upside down in the water. Also Fresh Breeze come with 2 fuel caps, one for when not flying which seals the tank and another with a vent hole in the cap for when engine is running. Looks like they used the one that is sealed here so perhaps not fully representative. Still very interesting though.

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