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Flight planning France 2010


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Dear Team.

The route is almost complete. Just waiting for the latest Cartes Aéronautiques OACI airmaps which are due out tomorrow 11 May to check for any changes and complete the final leg.

About flying the route:

I think we should buddy up in pairs or max 3 regarding 'flight following' (keeping an eye on each other). On the tip to tip it took too long to realise someone had gone down. We need to know someone is having a problem when it is happening rather than 5 miles later. The buddy system will greatly assist this rather than everyone trying to watch out for everyone.

I have produced 2 seperate routes, one from Pascy's field to the Dune and one from the Dune to St Andres. I have them in several formats which are compatable with Memory-Map; Mapsourse and Google Earth. I will have them on my mini laptop and can load them onto your GPS, bring your USB cable just in case its different. Or can send them to you if you want to have a fiddle pre-event. PM me your e-mail. All I ask is if loading your own make sure you have the final version in case I have to alter the route when I get the latest charts.

I will be flying with the charts in a map holder, a Garmin 76C, my old Garmin 12 as backup in my pocket and a magnetic marine type compass for gross error check. I will also have comms with Pete in the retrieve bus.

I will also supply a fairly extensive first aid kit as per tip to tip if there is room for the vacuum splints too!!

Not long now people. Checking kit and getting excited. :D



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  • 2 weeks later...

The route is now completed and I have just got the final 15 turn points to write up, add some turn point pics in the flight plan/instruction document and its done.

The route is 942km with 76 turn points. All but about a dozen turn points have good landing options with road access. I have suggested missing 2 sections which take the flight away from the main road due to airspace but have described the whole route in the instruction document regardless.

There are 3 routes.

Pascy's to Dune 20 turn points 274km

Dune towards St Andre 40 turn points 549km.

Final leg to St Andre 16 turn points over 119km.

What a trip this is going to be. :D

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I have e-mailed all those on the France trip maps flight instructions routes etc.

If you havn't received them let me know.

My hotmail account has been infiltrated by something. People are getting spam with my hotmail address. Its not from me or in my sent folder. Need to update my security.


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My hotmail account has been infiltrated by something. People are getting spam with my hotmail address. Its not from me or in my sent folder. Need to update my security.


My misses had this happen on her hotmail account a few months ago. She changed the password and it's not happened since. :D


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